Friday, October 4, 2019

Description of IT Methodology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Description of IT Methodology - Coursework Example Quantitative research explores and describes facts quantitatively while qualitative research explores facts in a more qualitative manner. For the present research project, both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been employed. The data was evaluated using a quantitative approach and the attributes of the data were evaluated through a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach has also been used to scrutinize the various approaches to data mining. As per the requirements of this project, qualitative research was conducted in accordance with the objectives. This research was carried out to formulate the questions to be asked by the subjects. The subjects were the medical personnel of Abu Dhabi police hospital. The questions were based on diabetes and they were planned so as to enable the gathering of appropriate data for fulfilling the objectives of the present project. Qualitative research was carried out using books, the web, and other sources. The questions asked and t he answers obtained for the questions have been listed in appendix 1 at the end of the document. The data set obtained after analyzing the answers given by the medical staff was collected through data mining. The data was then examined. This is the quantitative aspect of the research project. Qualitative and quantitative research methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The utility of each method depends on the objectives of the research. 2.2. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research The major advantage of qualitative research is that the analysis is credible and it requires thoughtful processing of the data to derive a comprehensive conclusion from it. The disadvantage of this kind of research is that it is based only a limited amount of information and that the conclusions derived from the data may vary depending the individual’s ideas and thought process. Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research The major advantage of quantitative research is that it is cheaper. The data for the research can be acquired easily and compared with other research. The disadvantage of quantitative research is that some types of data may not be easy to get or the data obtained could be incomplete in some aspects. In this research project, it was difficult to obtain medical data due to concerns related to privacy. The quantitative research was based on the data obtained from the hospitals in the UAE. Sequential Language was used to alter the acquired data. This step was required in order to test the objectives of this project. Despite the difficulty in obtaining medical data, the entire project is based on collected data. Review of literature and creation of data file A literature review was carried out before carrying out further research. All kinds of publications including journals, books, textbooks, and online sources that detailed information on data mining were intensively reviewed. Aspects of data mining and their methods were studied and applied to information on diabetes. A data spreadsheet by the name Diabetes.arff was designed keeping the information on diabetes in view. The quality of the acquired data was examined and data mining algorithms then applied to the file containing the collected data. Data processing The data on diabetes obtained from various sources along with information obtained from the

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