Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analysis of Newspaper

Analyse Newspaper Article of your Choice. The article that has been chosen for analysis is based on the â€Å"Tillerson sacking† decision that has been taken by Trump. The dismissal of Rex Tillerson from the post of the Secretary of the State was a decision that was taken by Donald Trump with an aim to reduce the divisions of the US administration related to the key issues of foreign policy. The argument on which the entire analysis of the article will be based is â€Å"whether the moves made by Donald Trump were able to reduce the divisions related to the decisions made about the key foreign issues† (Hammond, 2018). I do not agree with the â€Å"America First† movement that had been taken by Trump when he moved into the White House for the first time. The President of America mainly tried to develop its policies related to the foreign policies of the country. Trump has failed in the attempts that were undertaken by him over the years (Acharya, 2014). However, I agree that Trump has taken many steps regarding the shifts to be made from the orthodox methods of governing the country by the Republican and the Democratic presidents in the past. He has made many alliances in order to expand the democratic order of the country that is liberal in nature. The President has withdrawn the US alliance with many important treaties like the Trans-Pacific and the Asia-Pacific Partnership. The country has also withdrawn from the climate change related deal that is signed by greater than 170 countries. The above two deals were made under President Obama and Trump took back the key initiatives that were taken by the previous government. The nuclear agreements that were made by the country with Iran are also under serious jeopardy after the various decisions taken by President Trump (Aradau & Huysmans, 2014). I disagree with the dismantling of policies that have been undertaken by the US government during the last year. The President has been in the position for over a year now and still he has not been able to deliver the promises that were made by him regarding the changes in the foreign policies of the country. The President has not been able to bring any developments in the policies and the international treaties made by the country during the last year (Temby, 2015). I agree with the reviews that were made by the research firm named Gallup regarding the worst image of the leadership of the United States of America that has been formed in the last year. The leadership of the country under Trump was found to be weaker as compared to 134 other countries in the world. The New York Times has reported that the president was totally unable to deliver according the huge promises that were made by him during the last year. The approval of the US leadership was found to be the lowest of about 30% under the governance of Trump (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2017). I agree with the poll that was undertaken by the organization named Pew Global which in the past year which depicted that more than thousands of the citizens of USA were not happy with the leadership of Trump. The policies related to global issues that were made by Trump were also not satisfactory for the people of his country. The poll further depicted that the support that was gained by Trump was even lesser than the support which was received by George W. Bush after the major controversy that had occurred in the country related to Iraq (Fierke & Jorgensen, 2015). I agree with the step that was taken by Trump regarding the dismissal of Tillerson from the position of Secretary of State and further appointment of Pompeo in the same position. As has been discussed in the article this can be a suitable step for the development of the country and increasing the harmony between the United States of America and the other countries. The reason being that the policies related to global warming may be formed in a better way by Pompeo as compared to those formed by Tillerson (Hammond, 2018). However, the change in the Secretary of State may not have significant effects on the foreign policies that will be formulated by the US government in the future. The nature of the President regarding the ways by which he deals with the officials of the government can still lead to problems related to the formulation of policies. I agree that the ways by which Trump performs his responsibilities may lead to many issues between him and the officials of the government. The foreign policy of USA has been the most affected by the decisions that have been taken by Trump during the year of his tenure. The dismissal of Tillerson and the appointment of Pompeo in the position of Secretary of State can help in the improving the position of USA in the style of leadership that is followed (Holmes & Traven, 2015). I agree with the fact the governing style of Trump depicts that lack of experience and the lack of knowledge regarding the international problems as well. This has further led to an ad hoc process of governing the country by the President. I disagree with the fact that the decision that was taken by Trump regarding the change of the Secretary of State was entirely wrong. The number of conflicts between Tillerson and President Trump has been high and they had difference in opinions in many situations. The appointment of Pompeo can further help the government in making changes in the foreign policies and making improvements in the international affairs of the country (Kelley & Simmons, 2015). The analysis can be concluded by stating that the steps undertaken by Trump to develop the foreign policies of the country were not successful initially. However, the appointment of Pompeo in the position of the Secretary of State can be a huge step towards the development of the country and the improvement of the international relations. The major reason behind making this statement is that the less knowledge of the President regarding international affairs can be complemented by the huge knowledge base of Pompeo. Acharya, A. (2014). Global International Relations (IR) and Regional WorldsA New Agenda for International Studies.  International Studies Quarterly,  58(4), 647-659. Aradau, C., & Huysmans, J. (2014). Critical methods in International Relations: The politics of techniques, devices and acts.  European Journal of International Relations,  20(3), 596-619. Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P. (Eds.). (2017).  The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press. Fierke, K. M., & Jorgensen, K. E. (2015).  Constructing International Relations: the next generation. Routledge. Hammond, A. (2018).  Tillerson sacking will not reverse Trump’s foreign failures.  The Age. Retrieved 14 March 2018, from Holmes, M., & Traven, D. (2015). Acting rationally without really thinking: The logic of rational intuitionism for International Relations theory.  International Studies Review,  17(3), 414-440. Kelley, J. G., & Simmons, B. A. (2015). Politics by number: Indicators as social pressure in international relations.  American journal of political science,  59(1), 55-70. Temby, O. (2015). What are levels of analysis and what do they contribute to international relations theory?.  Cambridge Review of International Affairs,  28(4), 721-742

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