Sunday, September 8, 2019

Research Paper on Why So Many Failed Drug Tests with Athletes in

On Why So Many Failed Drug Tests with Athletes in Professional Sports - Research Paper Example School level education programs are really essential to increase athletes’ awareness of the negative effects of substance abuse and thus to create an anti-doping culture. Please find enclosed my article titled, â€Å"Failed Drug Tests with Athletes in Professional Sports† for your kind perusal. This overview of the alarming issue of drug abuse and falsified performance tendencies among athletes makes an empirical study of the scenario with a list of actual cases and citations for the relevance and accuracy of the material. This article exposes the real facets of the influence of the contrabands at the core of reality with a belief that investigative studies in the field of ethical and health issues may be encouraged for the benefit of a transparent sports world. While being aware of the very fact that complete elimination of performance-enhancing drugs is not practical in the near future, a few recommendations are suggested in the article to regulate the management of global sports for total dope-free competitions. Apart from addressing the issue from a social and individual perspective, for the compilation of this article, names of several prolific sports personalities who have been defamed for having failed tests for doping or substance misuse have been mentioned. Although the references are not deliberate, it is expected that the inclusion of such names will mark a symbolic effect among the readers about the social and professional destruction caused by this evil tendency. Thus, with due humility and appreciation for your excellence, I submit this article before you. I hope the compromises made at meeting the standards at different areas may be excused and this work will be considered for a favorable approval. Professional sports have been a primary area of concern for most of the developed countries since ancient periods because they perceived sport activities as an opportunity to demonstrate their

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