Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Organization Essay

This essay will argue that it is imperative for organizations to have strong leaders and a strong culture in the post bureaucratic era because leaders set a direction for people. They help us visualize what we might achieve and they encourage us and inspire us. Together, with a strong business culture, organizations will surely be successful and continue to soar in its career. In the first section of this essay there will be an explanation on what is the post bureaucratic era and how it has changed overtime . Subsequently, Max Webers theories as well as Fredrick Taylors theory on scientific management will be discussed and from this, draw out the dramatic effect on an organization the post bureaucratic era has had from previous years until today. In the second section of this essay it will demonstrate what leadership is and why organisations need strong leaders, through discussing the articles of Bolden and Gosling (2006) and House’s Path Goal theory on leadership. The third part of the essay will consist of Rosen’s article on The Christmas Party (Rosen, 1988). This article will reveal what is a strong culture and how it is crucial for a business organization to have. Finally, after summarizing the arguments in the conclusion , this essay will display just how important it is for organisations to have a strong leader and a strong culture. The Post-Bureaucratic Era  Bureaucratic management undertook an autocratic approach in the management and leadership of an organization. Bureaucracy is an organizational form consisting of a hierarchy of â€Å"differentiated knowledge and expertise in which rules and disciplines are arranged not only hierarchy in regard to each other but also parallel † (Clegg et. al , 2011). Over time, what people thought of bureaucracy has been changing constantly in order to adapt to the new lifestyle and perspectives that each organization has. In the article called † Being an active member of a corporate alumini network† , the writer explains that bureaucratic management focused on dividing organisations into hierarchies, having small repetitive tasks in order to maximise output and strong lines of authority and control. People were treated like machines and they did not have any input in the business. Conversely , post-bureaucratic management converts bureaucratic management as they move from coercive power to a more ‘soft dominant’ approach. Through incentives and having a say, it makes workers feel more included and therefore can maximise productivity.

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