Monday, September 30, 2019

Rhetorical Advertisement Analysis Essay

Teen pregnancy is one of the most serious issues in the American society. Three in ten teen young women get pregnant before their twenties. We have heard about the bad consequences of teen pregnancy in movies, talk shows, news, and many other social media. The Candies Foundation Organization is a non-profit organization that tries change the way youth in America thinks about teen pregnancy and parenthood. This organization decided to use advertisements to persuade teenagers to consider the consequences of having a baby. Therefore, I chose an advertisement from this organization. And I am here to tell you that this advertisement is so powerful that it is likely to reach its intended audience. The advertisement is composed of two parts equally. On the left side, it is a portrait of a female celebrity with a serious facial expression. On the right side, it is a question written in large font with a small text and an image of a crib below it. The question is: â€Å"Not really the way you pictured your first crib, huh?† The crib has a simple design. The advertisement is basically black and white with a touch of a hot pink color. This color only appears in the name of the organization, which is at the bottom of the portrait, and parts of the question. The rhetorical appeals are included in the advertisement to persuade the audience to think about whether or not they are ready to have a baby. The Candies Foundation Organization uses pathos to appeal to both women and man’s emotions and gain further support for their foundation. It uses sex and emotional appeals and made the advertisement engaging not only to men, but also to women. It uses a more mainstream and modern sex appeal to send the message to its intended audience. There are few advertisements that include a portrait of a female celebrity in them. However, this organization used the advantage that celebrities draw audience’s attention. It used a celebrity called Fergie, who is a well-known singer and actress in the modern days. In fact, the portrait successfully made the ad to appeal only to teenagers. While the portrait is attention catching by taking up half of the advertisement, the organization simply used the celebrity’s facial expression as an emotional appeal. The celebrity’s face is made more beautiful with a touch of make-up focusing on the eyes. The advertisement gains more attention with this portrait for the simple fact that the celebrity is looking straight at the audience. However, the celebrity is not smiling or staring at the audience. It is only a conventional look, in fact, the one that people give when they are talking to someone. It is this look and the emotion she lacks, that creates a strong feeling in the audience. It is also this look that attracts perfectly the audience’s full attention for the advertisement. The celebrity, a female, to the point, adds credibility to the advertisement because a female voice has more strength than a male’s in this situation. Men are always interested in their opposite sex. Women always have the feelings of jealousy and insecurity. Furthermore, the organization effectively opens the advertisement for all genders by using a female celebrity. Now, the advertisement not only attracts teen girls’ attention, but also boys. The organization also uses ethos to appeal a personality in the message. The combination of colors adds a special effect to the advertisement, making it much easier for the audience to relate the portrait with the text. Since the celebrity’s picture is gray and white, it mirrors the question perfectly. As soon as the picture captures the audience’s attention, the attractive color automatically pulls the attention toward the question. The contrast of the colors used in this advertisement effectively brings out the advertisement’s own style. It uses a hot-pink color and white for the question and a dark black color as background. Hot-pink color lover or not, the style surely catches the attention of everybody. The white color also stands out in the dark black background, highlighting the question and giving it more importance. An image of a baby’s crib also lies right below the question, which adds more credibility to the advertisement. The organization is not using an image of a decorative crib in this situation. In fact, it uses an image of a traditional crib. It made the crib look simple, original, and plain, in order to appeal to teenagers rather than adults. I consider that the organization assumes that having an image of a crib in the advertisement will lead the audience to realize the message in depth. Therefore, I consider that they are correct with their assumptions. The crib image does make the question more thoughtful and it encourages teenagers to think seriously about the difficulties of having a child. Unlike other advertisements, the Candies Foundation uses a single question to deliver their message. â€Å"Not really the way you pictured your first crib, huh?† By using logos, this advertisement leads the audience to question themselves about their sexual decisions. The slang word, â€Å"crib†, has a double meaning of â€Å"home† and â€Å"baby’s crib†. The exclamation, huh, has a strong sense of interrogation. The combination of these two words gives a better expression and power to the question. Because the advertisement is targeting teenagers instead of adults, the word huh precisely adds credibility to the question. Using logos and ethos, the question is being asked properly along with an image of a baby crib that strikes fear into the audience. After the audience read the question, automatically they start thinking about few general propositions such as: Do I want to give a home like this one for my baby? Can I afford all the expenses of having a baby? Do I have a permanent job? Am I old enough? Am I ready to be a mother? Am I ready to be a father? Do I really want a baby at all? Without doubt, they will answer: NO. The organization did not ask the audience these questions directly nor gave any quantitative facts about babies. However, it used logos to make its audience reason logically and then the audience themselves can draw a specific truth from the propositions they have made. After the audience had thought about the question, they inevitably agree with the truth that the advertisement carries. In conclusion, this advertisement is effective. It is strong, meaningful, and attractive at the same time. The rhetorical appeals included have successfully persuaded its intended audience to prevent teen pregnancy. The great combination of pathos, ethos, and logos that the organization used in this advertisement builds a positive thought that will stay in the audience’s mind for a long time. This thought deeply discourages teenagers to have sex. This thought can also be a motivation for parents to advise their children and furthermore, the organization gains more outside supports to decrease teen pregnancy growth.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Founding Theorists of Management

Identify the founding theorists of management and then discuss the major schools of thought under which their theories can be classified. The founding theorists of management are Frederick Taylor, Max Weber, Henri Fayol and Mary Parker Follett. Taylor’s theory is classified under Scientific Management, and he was known as â€Å"the father of scientific management†. Scientific management can be defined as the scientific determination of changes in management practices as a means improving labour productivity.Taylor’s theory focuses on efficiency in the organization, improving the productivity of manual workers, and it demonstrates how providing workers with an incentive to perform can increase productivity. Taylor’s theory suggested four principles of scientific management. The first principle involves developing a science for each element of an individual’s work to replace the old rule of thumb methods. The second principle involves scientifically s electing, training and developing workers. Related article: Examples of Scientific Management in HealthcareThe third principle involves developing cooperation between workers and management to ensure that work is done in accordance with the scientifically devised procedures. The fourth and final principle of scientific management involves the equal division of work and responsibility among workers. While scientific management was praised for improving productivity, it was also criticized, because it ignored the individual differences among workers, and could not see that the most efficient way of working for one person may differ from that of another person.The application of scientific management is seen in today’s organizations when the best qualified applicants are hired for a job. Max Weber developed a theory of authority structures theory is classified under Bureaucratic Management, and it may be described as a formal system of organization based on clearly defined hierarchal levels and roles in order to maintain efficiency and effectiveness. Weber believed that organizations should be managed on an impersonal, rational basis, and that this type of organization would be more efficient and adaptable to change because stability is related to formal structure and positions rather than to a articular person who may leave or die. Weber identified six elements of bureaucratic management. This first element involves the division of labour with clear definitions of authority and responsibility. The second element involves the organization of positions in a hierarchy of authority, where each position is under the authority of a higher one, and subordinates follow the orders of their superiors. The third element involves the selection and promotion of personnel based on technical qualifications, or training and experience.The fourth element involves administrative acts and decisions which are governed by rules, and are recorded in permanent files to provide the organization with memory and continuity over time. The fifth element states that means of production or administration belong to the office, and that personal property is separate from office property. The sixth and final element of bureaucratic management states that rules are impersonal and applied to all employees. It also states that managers are subject to rules and procedures that will ensure predictable and reliable behavior.Bureaucratic procedures provide a standard way of dealing with employees. Everyone receives equal treatment and knows what the rules are, and this has enabled many organizations to be very efficient. The application of bureaucratic management is seen in today’s organizations with the Employee Code of Conduct. Henri Fayol’s theory can be classified under General Administrative Theory, and focuses on the one best way to run the organization. The general administrative theory focuses on how the entire organization should be organized, and the practices an effective manager should fol low.Fayol proposed a universal set of management functions, which are planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Planning, involves anticipating the future and acting on it. Organizing requires developing the institution’s material and human resources. Commanding requires keeping the organization’s actions and processes running. Coordinating involves aligning and harmonizing the efforts of organizational members. The final management function controlling, involves performing the first four functions according o the appropriate rules and procedures of the organization. Fayol developed theories of what he believed constituted good management practices, known as the fourteen principles of management. The fourteen principles are; specialization of labour, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interests, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of staff, initiative, and spiri t de corps, which means harmony and cohesion among personnel.Specialization of labour is where managerial and technical work is amenable to specialization to produce more and better work with the same amount of effort. Authority refers to the right of superiors to give orders and to expect them to be followed. Discipline is where the members in any organization must respect the rules and agreements governing the organization. Unity of command is where each subordinate receives orders from one superior only. Unity of direction means similar activities in the organization should be grouped together under one manager.Subordination of individual interests means, the concerns of the organization should take precedence over the concerns of the individual. Remuneration refers to compensation for work done, and it should be fair to both the employee and the employer. Centralization refers to the degree to which decision making is concentrated at the top levels of the organization. Scalar ch ain refers to the chain of authority which extends from the top to the bottom levels of the organization.Order implies that all material and human resources within the organization have a prescribed place to be. Material resources must remain in the right place at the right time, and people should be in the jobs or positions they are suited to. Equity implies that everyone within the organization should be treated equally. Stability of staff implies that there should be a low employee turnover rate in order to facilitate the efficient functioning of the organization.Initiative means that subordinates should be given freedom to share their ideas and carry out their plans. Esprit de corps means creating team spirit through the use of verbal communication, to promote harmony and cohesion among personnel. Fayol also stressed the role of administrative management and stated that all activities that occur in business organizations could be divided into six main groups, which are, technica l, commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial.For example, production and manufacturing activities can be grouped under technical; buying, selling and exchange activities can be grouped under commercial; activities obtaining and using capital can be grouped under finance; protection of property and persons can be grouped under security; balance sheet, stocktaking, statistics and costing activities can be grouped under accounting and; planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling activities can be grouped under managerial.Fayol then concluded that the six groups of activities are interdependent and that it is the role of management to ensure that all six activities work smoothly to achieve the goals of an organization. Mary Parker Follett was a major contributor to the administrative approach to management. However, she was also an advocate of a more humanistic perspective to management, which highlighted the importance of understanding human behavior s, needs and attitudes in the workplace, as well as social interactions and group processes.She emphasized worker participation and the importance of goals that cannot be reached by a single party for reducing conflicts in organizations. Follett explained that managerial dominance and compromising only produced temporary adjustments. She proposed a process in which parties involved in conflict would interact despite the existing facts, and allow a new solution to come into view that none of the conflicting parties had considered. She called this approach to resolving conflict an integrating process.Mary Parker Follett’s approach to leadership stressed the importance of people, rather than engineering techniques, and she addressed issues such as ethics, power, and how to lead in a way that encourages employees to give their best, as well as the concepts of delegation of power and authority to employees, rather than controlling them. Although Frederick Taylor, Max Weber, Henri Fayol and Mary Parker Follett are not the only theorists to make contributions to the schools of thought of management, they have all made significant contributions to management, many of which have been implemented and even modified, in today’s organizations.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Significance of Art Education to Stakeholders Thesis

The Significance of Art Education to Stakeholders - Thesis Example The results indicate that most of the teachers, administrators, and members of the board of education valued art education. This is seen where 70% of the teachers felt that art education should not be eliminated during budget cuts, with 20% of them disagreeing with the idea that art education should not be eliminated during budget cuts. In addition, 80% of the administrators and all members of the board of education agreed that art education should not be eliminated during budget cuts. This response is an indication of the high value teachers, administrators, board of educators and the commuity at large, have to art education. This high regard for art education is seen where all teachers agree that art education increases the visual and spatial skills of the learner. This response was also seen with the administrators and board of educators. Where, 60% of the administrators strongly agreed and 40% agreed, while 40% of the members of the board of education strongly agreed with 60% agr eeing, that art education increases the visual and spatial skills of the learner. These results are in agreement with literature, that indicated that the arts play an important role in enhacing the intrinsic value and general academic achievement of the student (Ashford, 2004,

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Edge of Land Law Lies Proprietary Estoppel Essay

The Edge of Land Law Lies Proprietary Estoppel - Essay Example As the paper highlights that the court ultimately determines whether it is conscionable for the owner of the land to go back on their representations. Unlike other estoppels, proprietary estoppel goes further and can be utilised as a tool to enforce or grant a property right de facto. Moreover, proprietary interest in land may be acquired in equity under estoppel without the need for writing and Cooke comments that â€Å"the courts have consistently, with very few exceptions, protected the claimant’s exceptions in interest when responding to estoppel, and protect individuals so far as it is possible and that they should continue to do so†. This study outlines that whilst the equitable justification for the doctrine of proprietary estoppel is clearly meritorious, the ad hoc development of the doctrine has been attacked, with some commentators labelling it as a â€Å"loose cannon†. The focus of this analyse is to critically evaluate the doctrine of proprietary estoppel and consider whether it has as the above statement become nothing more than an â€Å"amalgam of ideas rather than a deliberately constructed doctrine† in contemporary land law. The doctrine of proprietary estoppel was first recognised by the House of Lords in Ramsden v Dyson5, which involved a yearly tenant who had been led to believe that the landlord would grant him a 60 year lease on the property. On this basis, the plaintiff erected a building on the land, however the landlord refused to grant him the lease. The tenant brought a claim to enforce his rights in equity.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Special Events Proposal-MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Special Events Proposal-MARKETING - Essay Example It would be not possible for the majority of the wine drinkers to buy all the varieties of wine on their own and taste them. So, the Wine Tasting event like the one, that can be organized by Kudler Fine Foods will give them the opportunity to taste different wines. Also, there will be group of wine drinkers who want to enjoy drinking wine, in-group and not in isolation. These wine drinkers can also be enticed to try the new offerings from Kudler Fine Foods through the Wine Tasting event in a group mode with their friend and relatives. Through out the world, Wine Tasting events were considered an ideal opportunity for the friends and family members to get together. So, if the Kudler Fine Foods organizes this special promotion for its wines, it will bring out the wine drinkers, who drink alone, into the open and provide entertainment and enjoyment for them in the company of their friends and family members. The enjoyable atmosphere in the Wine Tasting events will make the drinkers or participants emotionally associate with the Kudler’s brand of wines even more. Also, if something good happens to the customer, while using the brand, the attachment to the brand will grow even more. So, in the Kudler organized Wine Tasting events, these two criteria can be fulfilled, making the promotions work very positively. That is, as mentioned above, the wine drinkers in the Wine Tasting events will have a very good time, enjoying different wines and spending quality time with their family and friends. So, in this setup, t he Kudler’s wine used by the prospective customers will strike a cord with the customers. The customer will start to buy and use the wines, whenever the same kind of enjoyable atmosphere is replicated in different surroundings as well. At the same time, the new types of wines offered in the Wine Tasting event will work in another positive way,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The discussion on issues of privacy in the mental hospital in patient Essay

The discussion on issues of privacy in the mental hospital in patient setting - Essay Example 80 percent of nurses said they left work discontented as they were unable to take care of patients with the dignity they ought to have. Mix gender wards have been mentioned as one of the explanations preventing care givers to offer dignified treatment. These problems consequently; call for improvements do away with mixed gender wards in mental hospitals (Claire and Ryder 56). Qualitative statistics from aged female users of in-patients services reported that women have a explicit obscurity in sharing the environment with males. They further highlighted a number of issues that had encountered such as being exposed to unwarranted levels of violence from men, which made them apprehensive for their wellbeing across inpatient and neighborhood outpatient settings. The report further says that the women felt dehumanized as they were forced to share living and curative space with men, making them uncomfortable and despondent about the lack of privacy. Other women held that they were exposed to situations of sexual intimidation, assault and harassment (NHS 24). Upon reporting, they were not believed, which made them feel powerless and unheard by the hospital system. Finally, women were rewired to take part in mixed gender groups where they could not freely talk about their intimate problems in the presence of men. Further, elderly women are sensitive to mixing with members of the opposite sex. In the implementation of single gender wards, major challenges in terms of funding and special cases of emergency persist. Having single gender walls requires a vast amount of resources such as new buildings, beds, and extra staff both qualified and support staffs, all which require money. The government and the national health services are responsible for ensuring that such improvements are attained. However, single gender wards initiative can take a back seat with inadequate financing. Money needs to be invested for extra beds and accommodation as well, in order to cater for tem porary issues arising such as women who give birth in hospitals. It was reported that some women in United Kingdom gave birth in a waiting room. More than 15.3m British pounds are needed to eliminate mixed system of accommodation in hospitals (Hospital Management, para 11). It is evident that implementation of single gender wards does not come easy because there are other heath needs that the heath fund requires to fulfill. Another challenge is that some policy makers do not view single sex accommodation as a priority. The UK government strictly wants the national health services to make efficient savings on its budgetary allocation. This then leaves the question as to whether the United Kingdom heath division is wasting resources on single sex accommodation (Hospital Management, para 13). Emergencies also pose a predicament in single gender wards implementation. In cases where patients require urgent intervention and expert healthcare, the need for admission takes precedence rather than segregation. Hence, patients will be housed with members of the opposite gender. Other challenges in implementing single gender wards are that flexibility needed to maximize bed occupancy will be eliminated. It might be challenging to have two separate wards if bed numbers are small, given a definite geographical distribution. From a social point of view, it may also be held that single gender rule goes against normalization since there will be no interaction with members of t

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The process of measuring and comparing service utilization Essay

The process of measuring and comparing service utilization - Essay Example The findings of the research indicate that most community mental health programs do not possess the relevant resources to build or buy the types of systems that would help to record notes about clients and the activities that they participate in (Dewa, Horgan, Russell & Keates, 2001). This means that it was difficult to have timely, consistent and accessible information for all community support and services which make it difficult to conduct the evaluations. The research does not provide adequate statistical data. Instead, most of the data provided is descriptive. Nevertheless, the findings have practical significance because of the value it has for program evaluation purposes and administrative purposes in terms of making key decisions on prioritization, planning and staffing needs (Dewa, Horgan, Russell & Keates, 2001).The authors considered all the relevant studies in the sense that they included information from previous researches and contributions from different authors in to the study in form of a background study. The consideration of the studies helped the researchers gain an understanding of the current states of affairs as they relate to the topic of study pointing out that most studies have not given it importance. The authors have discussed all the relevant limitations because they included a section on the challenges that they encountered and a table showing this. The conclusions are justified based on the results presented because the authors provide a conclusion.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Evidence-Based Practice - Coursework Example These questions are meant to elicit a feedback that provides a clear understanding of the current methods that are applied in practice. These questions will inform about the issues that should be addressed or improved to make nursing practice better including patient care outcomes. The spirit of inquiry will also help me access the tools that can be used to enhance evidence-based care within my institution, thereby improving the delivery of care (Stevens, 2013). The second strategy is to use the PICOT clinical question. The PICOT question will feature the patient population, the intervention, comparison, the outcome and the time. The question will provide a means through which I can identify the most relevant information about an issue or problem of concern and enable me search for a relevant intervention in the least time possible. This will ensure that I improve patient care and care outcomes because time will be spent giving patients the best care they can receive and also save on the institution resources because these resources will be used only to implement interventions that have been researched clearly and that they can address the needs of the patient adequately. This strategy entails understanding all of its five concepts and ensuring that they are studied correctly (Dogherty, Harrison, & Graham, 2010). The third strategy entails using the Evidence-based practice (EBP) rounds. This is an effective way of addressing EBP within the institution especially because of the fact that it has a large group. This technique will enable the incorporation of all levels of practitioners and allow them to participate in the change process without discrimination. When the healthcare team discusses issues of patient progress, the EBP rounds will enable the group to discuss supporting evidence related to the change decisions in the institution. I have gained knowledge on the use of EBP and its

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Character of Curleys Wife Essay Example for Free

The Character of Curleys Wife Essay A reason for Steinbeck portraying to the colour red may be to foreshadowing the blood that was to be seen at the end. Curley’s wife attracts all the guys in the ranch. She uses the excuse that she is looking for Curley to talk to the guys. She does wear red lipstick; the colour red is again used as a symbol because it’s a primary colour therefore a lot of children are attracted to it because of the brightness in the colour. It attracts Lennie as he has a 4 year olds mind that can’t control his feeling but still stops and stares at Curley’s wife. He says that â€Å"she’s purty† very defensively (pg35). On the other hand George doesn’t like her at all. On page 35 there’s lots of negativity about Curley’s wife coming out of George’s mouth. He says â€Å"Jesus what a tramp, so that’s what Curley picks for a wife† Steinbeck has created a character that can’t stand Curley’s wife this is because he doesn’t want to lose his job by getting into trouble like their last place of work. I think when his talking to Lennie saying â€Å"Don’t you even take a look at that bitch. I don’t care what she says what she does I seen’ em poison before but I never seen no piece of jailbait worse that her. † (pg36) He has shown that his past is one of the reasons that he don’t like Curley’s wife, he also thinks she’s nothing but trouble and doesn’t trust her at all. Another character in the novella is one of the only one who is the nicest to Curley’s wife. He goes by the name Slim, in the novella everyone on the ranch looks up to him he’s a thoughtful tall man. Curley thinks that Slim and Curley’s wife have a relationship but Curley’s wife is just lonely and needs somebody to talk to because there isn’t any love between Curley and his wife. She says in the novella â€Å"think I’m gonna stay in that two-by-four house and listen how Curley’s gonna lead with his left twice and then bring in the ol’ right cross? † this means that she is very lonely and trapped in a loveless marriage. Curley wears a glove on his hand the ‘glove of Vaseline’ because he wants his hand to be soft when he is making love with his wife. He is very proud to show everyone this glove but this is a bad image on Curley’s wife because he is only using her because she is attractive and showing all the other guys on the ranch his sexual side with her. Curley’s wife only married Curley because of the great depression and life was hard so she thought because Curley is the bosses son she will have a good life but she didn’t! Curley’s wife came across as a trampy flirtatious character but this opinion changes when she is in the barn with Lennie opening up her feelings which showed us that she wasn’t just a tramp but a woman who had a dream, it also showed us that she was lonely like the other characters in the novella. Steinbeck made her into a character a sensitive hopeful and made herself into a normal human being and also a very weak female. Curley’s wife dreamt of being an actress and said Coulda been in the movies, and had nice clothes. This is showing that Curley’s wife is very upset about the way her is life is at the moment. In conclusion I think Curley’s wife is one of the strongest but loneliest characters in the book because after everything she has been through with her mother, Curley and being alone she didn’t open up to anyone except Lennie, but he kills her at the end because of his unknown strength. I also think Lennie did Curley’s wife a favor because she was moaning about her terrible life to him like she wanted it to end. Steinbeck portrayed Curley’s wife as an interesting and complex character to make the reader more curious on the way she is shown. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Construction Project and Procurement Essay Example for Free

Construction Project and Procurement Essay A historic overview on the development of building procurement systems in the UK from post war period (1945) present day. The points in evolution a split into 4 phases; 1. 1)Phase 1 1945 – 1972: The period before the World War 2 selective tendering methods were being used more prolifically, the Simon report 1944 (ministry of works 1944) strongly recommends the use of selective tendering. After the end of the 2nd World War there was an increase in the building industry, this resulted in using procurement methods such as open competitive tendering despite the report in 1944. In the 1950’s the Phillip’s report reiterated the recommendation in the use of selective tendering and explained the need for co-operation from all parties in the construction process (HMSO 1950). However by this time new procurement systems such as negotiated tenders and design and build had come about. Through the 1960’s to the 1970’s the need for co-operation between the industry and its professions was further expressed in the Emmerson report 1962 and Banwell 1964, they also reiterated in this period the recommendations of the Simon report 1944 and the use for selective tendering. Over all from the end of the war to the 1970’s this was a time of uninterrupted economic growth in which construction procurement in terms of conventional methods prevailed, only where few unconventional methods where being used on smaller projects, Despite a number of reports in the period recommending the adoption of more co-operative approaches from members of the project team. 1. 2)Phase 2 1973 – 1980: Phase 2 was a period of recession and instability, which was a result due to large price increase of crude oil from other countries, Post the 2nd World War after the economic boom this was lead due to high inflation rates. A number of case studies during the 1970 had brought to attention the use of non-conventional procurement methods. The wood report 1975 examined purchasing policies and procurement, although the report was restricted to the public sector it stated that public authorities used inappropriate procurement methods due to circumstances and found that 40% of the projects that were examined still used non-conventional procurement. Reports that followed this stated the need for improvement and urged a state of recovery as clients did not want to commit themselves to building projects during a time economic uncertainty. . 3)Phase 3 1980 – 1990: This phase was a time of post-recession the period of adjustment and recovery, big changes were made in the economy and the construction industry it introduced labour-only subcontracting and changed attitudes of major clients. Major clients and organisations had decide that old existing procurement methods were inefficient and caused delays there fore leading to extra cost at the end of projects, So bigger organisations such as the British property federation (BPF) started to use ideas from the US to improve their own management and procurement systems. In this period conventional methods were popular and were still widely being used, there was also a substantial increase in the design n build and management contracting, however management contracting proved in early years to take longer and dissatisfy clients if poor management was involved due to projects being overrun so there was a suggestion to reduce this method. 1. 4)Phase 4 1990 – 2008: The period from around 1990 up to the credit crunch (recession 2008) contained around equal phase of recession and recovery as it did from the post war period. In past decade the advent of partnering and the increase in various private finance initiatives had come about, there were also efforts by the governments to improve the performance in the construction industry. Two main reports were the means of vastly improving the industry, these reports were made by ‘Sir Michael Latham’ (Constructing the Team) and by ‘Sir John Egan’ (Rethinking Construction), these two reports changed the industry by improving the inefficiencies towards procurement and contractual agreements within the construction industry. The reports brought about a number of initiatives such as; †¢M4I – the Movement for Innovation was formed in 1998 I was to co-ordinate the report ‘Rethinking Construction’ through the use of demonstration projects, working groups and knowledge exchange, †¢KPI’s – are a product from ‘M4I’ and the ‘Egan Report’ they were set to create targets in which had to be met in order to achieve improvement, a number of ‘KPI’s’ were created but were refined in the year 2000 to around elven different aspects of the process of construction, PFI’s – private finance initiates were brought about by the government to enable public projects to be funded without the need for the capital from the government, †¢Partnering and framework agreements – had already come about before 1994 but were given great impact by the ‘Latham Report’. Partnering is where contractor’s works with client to reduce and share costs, the partnering framework agreements are the contractual agreements between both parties.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing Analysis Of Social Networking Site Orkut Marketing Essay

Marketing Analysis Of Social Networking Site Orkut Marketing Essay Social Networking sites that allow individuals to construct a public profile, articulate with people they know by sharing their connection and view and traverse their connections and those made by people they know. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from sites to sites The leading social networks around the world are Orkut, Facebook, and My Space Twitter etc. The first social networking site that was Six launched in 1997 although it attracted millions of users but failed to sustain as it was considered to be ahead of its time and was closed in 2000.From 1997 to 2001 many community sites were launched but the next wave of these sites began in 2001 by the launch of Friendster was launched in2002 as a complement to and had 300,000 users by the end of May 2003. By 2003 the social networking sites hi the mainstream. In 2003 the giant GOOGLE proposed to purchase Friendster but failed to do so. Google then internally commissioned Mr Orkut Bà ¼yà ¼kkà ¶kten to work on a competing independent project. And then Orkut was launched on 24th of Jan, 2004.By the end of September 2004 Orkuts membership surpasses 2 million accounts in spite of the fact that the membership was only on invitation. As of 2007, the service claimed 67 million users. Orkut became a huge success in the United States. Orkut spread like a virus in countries like Brazil and India. It also won the YOUTH ICON AWARD 2007 in India. Orkut members are offered various exclusive features. Members can create groups to join friends according to their wish. The can upload videos from You Tube etc. Orkut gives its member the choice to have restricted or unrestricted polls on these videos. Orkut has a competitive advantage of the privacy that it offers to its members. It allows anyone to visit anyones profile, unless a visitor is on the Ignore List Each member has a choice to customize their profile preferences and restrict they information according to their preferences. Gtalk has been integrated in Orkut so that the members can chat from their Orkut page. Orkut leads in countries like India, Pakistan and Brazil. It offers its members a distinct feature called THEMES, offering them a range of colourful themes in the library in which they can change their interface. Figure 1. Distribution of work task interruption The below mentioned figures represent the traffic of Orkut. These even show us that Orkut has been losing its market share in most of the western countries. Orkut has been tremendously successful in Asian countries. Traffic on Orkut by country Traffic of Orkut on March 31, 2004 Flag of the United States.svg United States Flag of Japan.svg Japan Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom Other Traffic of Orkut on April 13, 2010[15] Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil Flag of India.svg India Flag of the United States.svg United States Flag of Japan.svg Japan Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan Other Source: Orkut has started losing its market share in the global market. As shown in the above diagram there has been a drastic decrease in the traffic of Orkut in countries like United States, United Kingdom etc. This is because of the rising popularity of its competitors like Facebook, Twitter, My space etc. A study conducted by Nielsens in India show s that Facebook is ruling among the social networking sites. Source: SWOT ANALYSIS OF ORKUT: STRENGTHS: ORKUT is very user friendly due to its graphic user interface. One can view peoples profile and pictures regardless if the person is your friend or not. It is user friendly because navigation is easy, applications are minimal making it is easy for a person who is not a tech-savvy. It is mainly focussed on scrapping friends. It is integrated with GOOGLE CHAT. ORKUT gives more privacy and security compared to some of its competitors. Menus and other applications are arranged in a organised manner making it simpler for the user. ORKUT has a free feature PROMOTE THIS in which you make a message and circulate and reach other in the network. There is a feature in ORKUT that provides you relevant jobs. WEAKNESSES: GOOGLE INC. Treated ORKUT as just a sideline business, not giving it much attention that was required and hence creating a space for competition..The ORKUT account does not give you the freedom to navigate into different websites so in turn you have to go through the registration process. You cannot promote your business through ORKUT compared to that of its competitor Facebook that has a feature that through your Face book account you can go to different websites and post your adverts and add a backlink and this also gets activated on your Facebook profile allowing people in your network to know what you have done. To make friends in an ORKUT account you have to visit the persons profile and then send the friend request. ORKUT has a lot of spam. ORKUT was last redesigned in 2007. OPPORTUNITIES: ORKUT is very popular among Brazilians and Indians. ORKUT is a market leader in these countries so there is a lot of opportunity that ORKUT can bring to its favour in these countries.The increase in usage of broadband and wi-max technology is a big opportunity were innovations should be done. THREATS: ORKUT has a major threat from its arch rival Facebook as its market share is relatively increasing to that of ORKUT. The other competitors like hi5, Twitter, My Space etc.are also picking up the pace. ORKUT is being misused by people and facing major issues like Death Threats which is becoming a major concern..Some political groups demanding to ban ORKUT. ORKUT has been repeatedly facing issues on being medium of promotion for hatred by some religious communities, illegal drug deals and child pornography, kidnapping and murders etc . Posing a threat to the image of the brand. Fake profiles can be created. PESTL ANALYSIS OF ORKUT: POLITICAL: There been controversies around ORKUT by various hate groups and they have a lot of followers there. This has created an anti-national and anti-ethical environment. This has leaded a lot of criticism from political groups and leading to banning in some countries. ECONOMIC : This is quiet a relevant factor that is chasing people to promote their businesses on ORKUT, in this time of recession. This is resulting in positive impact as ORKUT has a feature through which people are able to find jobs and as business ideas. Due to the economic meltdown the prices of technology and gizmos have come down, hence people can avail laptops , multimedia handsets etc and use this kind of inexpensive media of communication to the fullest. SOCIO CULTURAL :- There have been a lot of controversies regarding the same in Islamic countries. In these countries the government banned ORKUT in order to preserve the national security and Islamic ethical issues. To overcome this situation was created but subsequently this has become a challenge due to the government blockage as the https pages on all the anonymous sites were closed. There a lot of hate groups that are considered to be a major threat to countries as this created a anti-national environment affecting the lives of people on a day to day basis. TECHNOLOGICAL : Due to the continuous advancement in the tech gadgets and gizmos the social networking has been a lot more accessible and popular. The 3GS phones, instant messaging and majorly the wifi connectivity have helped to increase the users of social networking due to the anytime accessibility levels. This has helped the users to keep in touch with their friends and community members and get the updates on their accounts and groups at all times. LEGAL : Earlier people could view anyones accounts, videos, photos etc and tamper them. There have been huge legal implications regarding the privacy issues as people started to use the photos and videos and placing them on internet with fake details. Huge number of them were vulgar, especially that of women. In June 2006 some researches discovered a worm, MW.Orc, which steals users banking details, usernames and passwords by propagating through ORKUT. In 2007 a security advisory was published on Orkuts vulnerabilities related to the autheciation issues, leading to misuse of legitimate accounts. There were similar attacks that were repeatedly reported for e.g. in 2007 the W32/ Kut Wormer, in 2008 W32/ Scapkut worm affecting the Orkut users in large numbers. There have been a number of other legal issues like in 2006 the Bombay High Courts Aurangabad bench served a notice on GOOGLE for allowing a campaign against India that carried a picture of a burned Indian flag and anti-India content. Rec ently, the Pune police cracked a rave party filled with narcotics. There was a deliberate charge on ORKUT under the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 as it was believed to be a mode of communication for the same. Similar cases are reported in Brazil as well creating distrust among Orkut users. OBJECTIVE SETTING AT DIFFERENT STRATEGIC LEVELS: CORPORATE OBJECTIVE: To increase profitability by 30% worldwide by 2011 and to in increase the number of unique users to 20 million a day. BUISNESS S OBJECTIVE: To increase usage of ORKUT to 80% worldwide, primarily increase the traffic in Asia- Pacific countries by 2011. I have choosen Asia Pacific because as shown in the world stats one-third of the population of the internet users are people from Asia Pacific region. MARKETING OBJECTIVE: To attain 50% of the market share and become the top most among g the all the other social networking sites worldwide. Here I would primarily focus on capturing 30%of the Asia Pacific market. This is a specific, measurable and attainable figure as according to research report relaesed by Comscore 50.8 percent of the total online population in the Asia Pacific region visited social networking site in Feburay 2010, reaching a total of 240.3 million visitors. This report does not include the visitation from internet cafes and mobiles.The segmented market is the Youth aged 18-35. EXPANSION STRATEGY ACCORDING TO THE ANSOFF MATRIX: ORKUT has been a brand for the last six years. It has been one of the most successful social networking sites and the best known as well. As we see its brand image has gone through a lot of negative publicity considering the facts Orkut should focus on rejuvenating the brand image through market penetration. Orkut should also do product development as the consumers have become a lot demanding. The features that Orkut offers are not in accordance to that of competition, being more precise Orkut should be using innovation to add new features to make it more interesting to be a part of the same. Hence, the strategies that Orkut should follow are Market Penetration and Product Development. EXPANSION STRATEGY ACCORDING TO THE ANSOFF MATRIX: Market Penetration : ORKUT is already a well known brand. We need to rejuvenate the brand image in a positive way by aggressive marketing of the brand at the right places. This strategy will not only increase the market share in the prevelant countries but also in countries of Asia Pacific where social netwroking is on a tremedous growth. I am using market penetration for Orkut because according to a research conducting by Neilsens Orkut has started losing its market share in countries like India and Brazil where it was a market leader. Hence it makes it very important that I revive the brand image to maintain the market sahre in the existing markets and also focus on the emerging markets like other regions of Asia Pacific. Product Development: I needs to rejuvenate the brand by doing a lot of innovation because Orkut was las t redesigned on 28 October 2009. As technology is changing in every minute we need to meet the pace . We re far behind in comparision to our competitors the features that we offer are not up to mark . We do not offer enough service s to the users that is diverting our users to shift their netwokrs to our competitors.Hence it becomes ver y necessary for us to work on innovation and add I PORTERS GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES: PORTERS GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES: I am going to use Focus and Differentiation for Orkut. FOCUS : I would majorily focus on the age groups between 15 to 44. According to a report by comscore the graph represents that in Asia Pacific the age group that uses the internet the most is the the people between 15 to 44. PORTERS GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES: The report realesed by Comscore in 2010 clearly state that the Social networking sites have had a ubiquitous growth in Asia Pacific region . Hence going by the facts of both the reports I am choosing Asia Pacific Region as the area of focus for Orkut to grow. DIFFERENTIATION: Social networks are very infutential, the network that we create online does not match our offline profile.People are increasingly using the web to get information they need from each other, rather than that from businesses.People know about products and brands throught friends.So in order to diffrentiate I would reccommend to add an embedded social features key on the user page. These networks are about pursuing relationships and fostering communities of consumers , hence it becomes important to understand the behaviour. People dont care much about technology rather they care about the communication that technology enables.Through thousand of years we have formed groups and strong and weak relationships. To become successful in the long term its important that we understand the motivation behind using a new technology before developing it.People are more comfortable with the people they have strong ties with. Studies on online gamers show that they most often play with people they have strong ties with. Hence, we need to give options the communication channels for the users like one to one or one to many at the right times. We need to design our user page supporting these interactions. Privacy is all aboutcontrolling how much other people know about you. Manintaining peoples privacy is a major concern. In order to help our users doing this we need to make our site less complex and more transparent. So people understand the consequences of their actions.I recommend to do so we develop trust amongst our user leading to repetitive usage and more users in the long term.These are the key differentiators. TACTICS: PRODUCT: I would recommend to use innovation to revive the brand image of ORKUT. In order to do so I would add different feature like a google search engine toolbar on the user page as I know the Asian Pacific users use the internet for navigation an d entertainment . The user page would have the famous entertainment sources like for youngster is would have the famous music, for middle aged people it would have navigation to different job sites, and old people would have religious programs and world news etc on the user pages. This would help in differentiate Orkut from its competitors. PRICE: Price does not have relevance as the users do not have to pay any price to use the service. I t is a virtual commodity and the revenue structure is based on the number of users.Hence, price does not hold any value. PLACE : This is the most important out of all the tactics for Orkut. It is already available on the electronic and portable medium .In order to achieve market penetration Orkut tag should be used on the most popular sites like Google Search Engine, Gmail etc.As portable medium like celluar phones etc. are the most preferabel medium of communication by the youth Orkut should have a tie-up with cellular manufacturers like Apple Blackberry etc to have an ingrained Orkut application in their handsets. PROMOTION: Orkut should use agressive marketing. As I realize that the major market segment for ORKUT is the youth. Alliances: Unique features like discounted tickets for movies and sports events should be introduced through alliances with the respective partners like a tie up with the Indian Premier League which is the most awaited event of the year to attract more users.Alliances with various blog to promote the Orkut tag . Press Releases: I propose that Orkut should realunch it self through press realeases emphasizing on the added features to create awareness and attract new users. To generate high awareness I reccomend Orkut to use the following mediums: Print Media: Orkut should be highlypromoted on with the differentiated features on youth and sports magazines sush as Sports Star. Outdoor: I recommend Orkut to be promoted with attractive hoardings in youth hang out areas like the cafes,colleges like Cafe coffee Day, Starbucks etc Mobile Media: I reccommend Orkut to be promoted on mobile mediums like buses , taxis and trains which are the essential medium of communication for the youth. New Media: Aggressive presence of Orkut Tags on the most visited websites like you tube , journals etc. PEOPLE: Goolge Inc has been known for its creative minds To rejuvinate Orut Google should introduce more creative minds to the tasks . In order to generate new ideas Google should use interactive worshops through which there can be a sharing of ideas. PROCESS: Google should continue using its Graphical User Interface in order to rejuvinate the website. The user interfcace is a competitive adavntage of Orkut , I recommend Orkut to continue to leverage it. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: Brand image is very important for Orkut , in order to do so I reccommend Orkut to delivers complimentary services like leisure and entertainment. In India Orkut had a theme of a famous reality series on the website. It was immensely successful.I reccommend Orkut ot use such proven strategies on the web page.The packaging in terms of the whole outlook of the website should be changed . It should have attractive things like gaming tags on the top. IDEA : The logo should be . Actions to followed tobe done to achieve the tactics: Google has the head office in London and all the activities are controlled here.All the major actions ar e undertaken here. As the marketing plan is all objective based so I reccommend Orkut to use the objective and task method to set my budgets regarding the same. The total budget for the promotional activities is $400 million . The allocated amount is divided into six activities. G A N T T C H A R T Total Budget is 300 Million: Marketing Activities Time (when action) Responsibility 2011 2010 J F M A M J J A S O N D Redesigning of the Website à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Programmers Advertisement à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Advertising Agency Press Releases à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ PR Executives and Marketing Executives Relaunch of Product à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Sales Executives Sponsorships à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Marketing Executives Alliances à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ PR Executives Total $ Million Gaining Control over the actions: Control and monitoring of the actions will be done in the following ways. The companys performance wil be analysinsed through monitoring with different key performance indicators. Auditing: Control will be exercised through time tot time audits by performing the Marketing Audits. As Google in a innovative company and sis in a highly competitive industry the control should be conducted by internal auditors. The performance gaps will be identified throught these audits .Hence forth, the corrective measures should be accordingly. The auditing process will allow GOOGLE to keep a close eye on the profitabiliy of ORKUT. Benchmarking: As ORKUT is not a market leader in the industry I propose to use benchmarking as Facebook who is the gives the most fierce competition does BEST PRACTICES in this industry, therefore I recommend Orkut to follow the same. Facebook bechmarks the industry in the applications like Gaming , Friend suggestions etc. CRITICAL REFLECTION: Orkut WHAT IS THAT?: Nowdays that is what everyone is asking. Orkut is a product from the giant of innovation GOOGLE INC, which is the the pioneer of search engine. I have taken Orkut as the product because in this world of globalization the social networking sites are having a huge im pact on the minds of the online population. This is the major reason for choosing Orkut as it has seen a huge success in the intital times but since a few years the brand has been overtaken by social networking sites which joined the race in the later years. I am amazed by the attitude Google has had towards Orkut and having a inquisisitve nature wanted to know the decline of the users.Orkut has been leading the market in India and their have been communities created by Indians and studies have shown that Indians love Orkut . Orkut has been the preferable social networking site of software developers in India.But in the recent times the popularity has significantly decreased. I have been in the professional environment for the last seven years. I have been working as a Business Development Manager and a Research Analsyst.These work profiles required a lot of networking and to suffice the purpose I had joined ORKUT. As ORKUT has a lot of communities and this helped me enhance my network through Orkut and inturn lead me to financial gains . Since the inception of social networking in India which is relatively new concept, Orkut has been seen as the synonym of such inception but recent reviews and statstics reveal huge decline in the popularity of Orkut. I have choosen Orkut because I have seen the hype about it in India and the way it had be modualted it lead into every persons day to day life. But since the last few days I have seen that Orkut ahs been loosing its presence in the market . People are switching to different networking sites due to the add- on features offered on the sites. Now it is becoming a question amongst the sgmented market the YOUTH. People have become skeptical on being on Orkut due to the limited features. Orkut was redesigned before two years and this has lead to losse in the value of users.The social networking is a very innovation driven industry and is promoted by its users thourgh word of mouth. Orkut has been neglecting innovation.Thus, its hold over the customer has lost because of the best practices carried by competition. Wisdom Outcomes of Marketing Modules: Rejuvination of ORKUT: Prior to starting of MBA marketing for me was just a synonym of sales.On completion of the module and especially after doing this particular assignment the entire preception of marketing has drastically tranformed. But now the conception is clear that marketing is not just sales but it goes beyond it and there are many factors that affect the same.This module has given me the in-depth view to the subject in terms of planning and implementation. The deep concepts have been simplified to by day to day examples that we come across in our daily lives.The analytical models like Mckinseys ,SWOT, Segmentation, Branding The 7 Ps etc. have been become very easy.Although being a layman, using these analysis some how or the other I have been impelementing these concepts but I was unaware of the terminology.Knowing the concepts in depth through the module has given me a clear picture of the concepts to help me in the future. The module has taught me that the every product goes through the product life cycle. And the stages are defined by the parameter of sales. The SOSTAC model that is a part of the module has given me the clear understanding of that how indepth analysis of the marketing can rejuvinate the brand image.I have used the same to carry out the analysis and have deep understaing ORKUT.This has revised my previous view that there are no amendments or solutions when the product is declining.The decline stage of the product can be identified when there is a decline in the sales. I have applied the same to ORKUT.Orkut has been a leader in the social networking industry . While applying the SOSTAC model, I have imbibed the fact that most of the management modules and principles are integrated, and marketing provides a common interface across all the different principles of management studies. Principles of finance, operations, human resource management are all utilised in the SOSTAC model. During my study I followed the following pathway: After deciding that orkut is going to be my subject of study, I first and foremost wanted to know what is the market scenario in which Orkut is operating. For this purpose, I started with the SWOT analysis. Through SWOT I was able to map the external and the internal and the internal environment. After having done the SWOT, I decided to take a look at the macro environment. For this purpose I had applied the PESTLE analysis. The PESTLE gave me a closer insight of the business environment in which Orkut is operating. The objective setting section takes into consideration the mission and vision of the company. After having a look at these aspects, I developed my strategies on the basis of SMART objectives. All the strategies of the company are interelated with each other. The strategy setting of the company has taught me how to analyse the activities through which the company tries to achieve its competitive advantage. The difference in the strategic perspectives such as Ansoffs Matrix, BCG Matrix, GE McKinsies Matrix , and the Porters Generic Strategies were very well formulated in the module. This gave me an in depth way of understanding what would be the most appropriate strategy for Orkut.Thus I have taken Ansoffs Matrix and Porters Generic Strategies. While doing the Tactical recommendations, I came to understand the concepts of the 7Ps of marketing. I can now understand the the 7Ps involve all the different prospects of management. The working on promotional mix became much simpler because there were case studies on communication strategies of declining brands discussed in the class. The part of the action plan that involves the GNATT chart was very well taught in the lecturing sessions. Allocation of duties made me dig into concepts of Human Resource Management.The human resource pay a critical par tof allocating the promotional duties to the right person.The promotional activities are the most crucial part of brand awareness and this has taught me there is a lot of people management that goes into all these activities. The budget planning prompted me to have a look at the financial statements of the company. Final the part consisting of the control and monitoring helped me to inculcate concepts of operations management in my marketing plan. The concepts of benchmarking and best practices helped me to understand how a market follower often often follows the market leader to achieve operational effectiveness. Thus the marketing module not only teaches us the maketing concepts but also builts up a holistic approach towards MBA.In order to have a successful career in marketing it is not only important that I have in depth of the marketing theories and modules but every department of the organisation has a signififcant contribution towards it.The module has taught me that all the twigs of management comprising of marketing, finance, operations and strategy are all incorporated and interrelated. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: This module has taught me to enjoy the process of learning and have ingrained knowledge of the subject.The way in which the concepts have been taught have given depth to the them and made them interesting.The concepts have been linked with the real life examples of comapanies and products that we use on a day to day basis. The real life case studies and examples have taken the learning process to under level. These examples have taught to interlink what we do in our day to day lives and how it affects the nature of the companies and consumers. The module has taught us to use the day to day mediums of communications like the newspapers, taxis and view the promotional skills in the context of marketing communications and link the concepts with activities the companies carry out. Some examples like British Airways, Poundland, Motorola, Virgin Rails and many more have encouraged me to do extensive research about the companies and how they use the concept of marketing to enhance their image. I was not aware that the companies use dirty skills to market their products and what extent they go to to enhance the sales. The lectures have been highly interactive and they have made the process of the enjoyable.The high level of interaction in the lectures made me confident about

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why Should I Read? Essay -- Teaching Writing

Why Should I Read? â€Å"Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself.... You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms.† Angela Carter (1940–1992), British author. Why read? Why should I read the book before it comes out in cinema? Why is settling down with a good book better then sitting on the couch watching The Simpson’s reruns? I have often pondered the merits of reading, but you don’t realise the advantages until you actually begin reading. Until I unlocked my first real book I couldn’t have dreamed of the wonders and marvels that it opens to you. It’s just that when you do read you discover how exquisite the delights of reading are. Books can transport you to different places, worlds, times, people, anywhere you can imagine without leaving your own room. Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. Picking up a book is like picking up a world that is waiting to be explored. Whether fiction or fact they can take you away with them, engulf you and make you apart of their environment. They can scare the wits out of you, make you cry, make you laugh, the more pages you read the harder it is to shut the book. Every book is a great adventure. Within the pages lie stories untold, places never ventured and new people to meet. No book is alike, no story the same. Reading is not strange. It seems that many people do not want to read or do not think it is necessary. They believe that people who read are â€Å"nerds†, â€Å"geeks†, or ‘bookworms’. This is not true. I read because it is something that passes the time peacefully and it alleviates ignorance. Reading for fun is normal; it improves a person’s imaginati... themselves with that. Novels are great space fillers in my suitcase whenever I go on holiday. There’s nothing like sitting on a beach with the sun blazing down on you reading the adventures of Moby Dick, although maybe Jaws wouldn’t be a good one if you intend on going swimming. Books can help pass time, at airports, on train journeys, on flights, when your grounded, anytime, anywhere you can pull out a book and become immersed in it. So bring a book wherever you go just in case you happen to get the urge to read. They’re portable, they’re handy, and they’re a whole world within a few pages and a cover. A book can take the reader places they only dreamed of, it increases vocabulary without the reader having knowledge of it, and they can teach a vast majority of subjects to alleviate ignorance. And remember a book is not just for Christmas, it’s for life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Impact of Negro Spirituals on Todays Music Essay -- Exploratory E

The Impact of Negro Spirituals on Today's Music I believe that it would be difficult for someone to make the argument that Negro spirituals have not been influential in the field of music, much less the realm of gospel music today. However, church members often do not make the time to reflect on the heritage of a hymn or song to realize the meaning that the particular piece has carried with it through the decades, even centuries. With this in mind, I am going to look at the history of the Negro spiritual and then at specific hymns in the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, published by Convention Press, to see just what impact the Negro spiritual has had on today's church music. I believe that we will find that these songs have had a significant affect on our music, and that without it, we would not have many of the hymns that are now considered standard church music. An important observation regarding African music comes from Richard Jobson in The Golden Trade or a Discovery of the River Gambra [Gambia] and the Golden Trade of the Aethiopians. Although published in 1623, we learn a lot about the nature of African music when we read: "There is without a doubt, no people on the earth more naturally affected to the sound of musicke than these people; which the principal persons [that is, the kings and chiefs] do hold as an ornament of their state, so as when wee come to see them their musicke will seldome be wanting" (qtd. in Southern 4). By understanding that music was of utmost importance to the original slaves, we understand how the reverence of music was handed down through the many generations of slaves on the plantations. It is apparent that music was the highest form of expression for Africans, as well as... ...ital Schomburg African American Women Writers in the 19th Century Works Consulted Fisher, Miles Mark. Negro Songs in the United States. New York: Russell & Russell, 1968. Forbis, Wesley L. The Baptist Hymnal. Nashville: Convention Press, 1991. "God's gonna trouble the water: The essence of African American spirituality." U.S. Catholic. Nov. 1995. ProQuest. Online. 3 Aug. 1998. Maultsby, Portia K. Afro-American Religious Music: A Study in Musical Diversity. The Papers of the Hymn Society of America. 35. Springfield: The Hymn Society of America, n.d. Southern, Eileen. Readings In Black American Music. New York: WW Norton, 1971. ---. The Music of Black Americans: A History. New York: WW Norton, 1971. Thurman, Howard. Deep River and the Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death. Richmond: Friends United Press, 1975.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Organization Essay

This essay will argue that it is imperative for organizations to have strong leaders and a strong culture in the post bureaucratic era because leaders set a direction for people. They help us visualize what we might achieve and they encourage us and inspire us. Together, with a strong business culture, organizations will surely be successful and continue to soar in its career. In the first section of this essay there will be an explanation on what is the post bureaucratic era and how it has changed overtime . Subsequently, Max Webers theories as well as Fredrick Taylors theory on scientific management will be discussed and from this, draw out the dramatic effect on an organization the post bureaucratic era has had from previous years until today. In the second section of this essay it will demonstrate what leadership is and why organisations need strong leaders, through discussing the articles of Bolden and Gosling (2006) and House’s Path Goal theory on leadership. The third part of the essay will consist of Rosen’s article on The Christmas Party (Rosen, 1988). This article will reveal what is a strong culture and how it is crucial for a business organization to have. Finally, after summarizing the arguments in the conclusion , this essay will display just how important it is for organisations to have a strong leader and a strong culture. The Post-Bureaucratic Era  Bureaucratic management undertook an autocratic approach in the management and leadership of an organization. Bureaucracy is an organizational form consisting of a hierarchy of â€Å"differentiated knowledge and expertise in which rules and disciplines are arranged not only hierarchy in regard to each other but also parallel † (Clegg et. al , 2011). Over time, what people thought of bureaucracy has been changing constantly in order to adapt to the new lifestyle and perspectives that each organization has. In the article called † Being an active member of a corporate alumini network† , the writer explains that bureaucratic management focused on dividing organisations into hierarchies, having small repetitive tasks in order to maximise output and strong lines of authority and control. People were treated like machines and they did not have any input in the business. Conversely , post-bureaucratic management converts bureaucratic management as they move from coercive power to a more ‘soft dominant’ approach. Through incentives and having a say, it makes workers feel more included and therefore can maximise productivity.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Prader-Willi Case Essay

This essay will discuss the role of the nurse in the context of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) which is caused by a genetic disease by a deletion in chromosome 15. This can lead to insatiable hunger, excessive eating and result in obesity. This syndrome requires management from the multidisciplinary team which includes dieticians, doctors, mental health team, nurses, occupational therapist, physiotherapists and social services. This is where the role of the nurse and nursing staff can stand out as they are actively involved in patient care providing support to the patient and their family, as well as playing a role in preventing disease progression. â€Å"Make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity† (NMC, 2010). This is of utmost importance in the management of PWS, and how the individual can be educated by managing the syndrome. This essay will relate across the lifespan; childhood, adolescence and adulthood. This will be discussed in the following paragraphs. PWS is an uncommon genetic disorder that is present at birth in either male or female. It is the most common genetic cause of morbid obesity and can vary at different weights. Although the cause is complex, it results from a deletion or unexpression of genes from the paternal chromosome 15. This condition affects approximately 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 25,000 new-borns (Killeen, 2004). Individuals with this condition have serious problems controlling their weight as they have a very strong food compulsion before the age of six. The condition is diagnosed through genetic testing. It is specifically DNA-based methylation testing to distinguish the absence of the paternal chromosome; chromosome 15.This test is recommended for new borns with pronounced hypotonia (praderwillisyndrome, 2010). An early diagnosis allows for early intervention as well as early provision of growth hormone (GH) treatment. GH gives an increased muscle mass and supports linear growth. GH treatment also advantageous because it decreases food preoccupation and weight gain. During pregnancy, there can be a few abnormal signs which can indicate, but are not limited to PWS. In utero, there can be excessive amniotic fluid; a condition known as polyhydraminos. There can also be reduced fetal movements and the fetal position within the uterus may be suboptimal i.e. breech presentation. Once the baby is born, other signs such as feeding difficulties- due to poor muscular tone affecting the sucking reflex and generalised hypotonia-poor muscular tone (FPWR, 2011).The baby may feel floppy when held as their joints may be loosely extended instead of being firmly in position. An early diagnosis of these can point to an early diagnosis of PWS, hence lead to early management. The clinical presentation of PWS is not limited to physical signs and symptoms but includes linear growth and development, which can cause mental and behavioural problems. These can be presented early in childhood. Physical features can include short stature, small hands and feet, low birth weight, and classic facial features including narrow forehead, almond-shaped eyes and â€Å"down-turned† mouth (Holm et al, 1993). Behavioural symptoms can include obsessive behaviours, unpredictable temper tantrums, skin picking, stubbornness and resistance to change. Individuals with this condition are not mentally stable as they have an increased risk and suffer from depression and psychosis. They also suffer from hallucinations, loss of interests, changes in mood and poor concentration levels. As mentioned earlier, Hypotonia is poor muscle tone. Hypotonia improves with age, however if it persists by the age of two to three, it is very likely that the child may not have started walking. Walking is a crucial milestone that should be reached within the first two years of life (NLM 2010).This is because their weight gain has made it difficult to move around and their condition is already exacerbated by the hypotonia. They can be referred to physiotherapy to try and improve the muscle tone. They also have a failure to thrive and their rate of physical growth is less than their peers’. With failure to thrive, these infants may not respond to simulation as they tire easily. Infants with this condition gain weight more slowly and start to put on more weight by the age of 2-3. A child with PWS may start speaking later than other children as their verbal skills are delayed. Speech and language therapy is advisable at this point as the child will benefit with input from a ther apist. Most common speech concerns include problems with voice quality, articulation, usage as well as resonance patterns (Munson-Davis, 1988). The child constantly craves for food and eats more than they should. They constantly gain weight and may eat things most people wouldn’t deem edible; such as expired or frozen food. There is a serious compulsion towards food, and a lack of awareness of hunger satiation. In childhood, they have a tendency to be stubborn, argumentative and possessive (Nordqvist, 2010). Some infants can develop obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) along with repetitive behaviours. They can throw tantrums as they can only consume a certain amount of food per day so they do not gain weight (as per their dietary management plan). During adolescence, height becomes more noticeable as the individual is much shorter than others. The height of a female with PWS on average is 4 feet 10 inches while that a male with PWS is 5 feet 2 inches (, 2011). The individual would still suffer from hypotonia up until adulthood and would be extremely flexible due to poor muscle tone. Once the individual has reached adulthood, they cannot reproduce as they are infertile due to delayed puberty in both male and female from a young age. The reproductive system would not have produced enough sex hormones, which results in undeveloped sex organs. Hypogonadism is a medical term for the reduction or absence of hormone secretion or other physiological activity of the gonards. Individuals with PWS have some degree of a learning disability. Learning disability nursing practice reflected current philosophies of supporting people with learning disabilities (Clifton et al. 1992). The presence of PWS in a family can create substantial stress. Families would have had to adapt to changes within the household to be able to manage the individual with the syndrome. Parents are often exhausted from the demands of their time and energy for diet control, specialized programmes, therapy appointments and behavioural supervision. Siblings are also affected as they often feel neglected as the PWS sibling receives more attention and appears to be more loved. (Tomase-ski-Heinemann 1998) It is a nurse’s responsibility to help support and manage a patient with the condition along with supporting the individual and their family. The uncontrollable appetite leads to obesity. Obesity is a global epidemic, and is also known to be a significant risk factor for other health related problems which include heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, hypoventilation and right sided heart failure (WHO, 1948). Some people with PWS also develop type 2 diabetes mellitus which is the most common form of diabetes, where the body either does not produce enough insulin or the insulin is not working properly; insulin resistance. In addition, part of the due diligence of nurses is that in providing care for a patient with PWS that they holistically look after the patient starting from the first interaction. For example, in PWS this involves first building a rapport with the patient explaining their diagnosis and describing the nurses’ role in the management (monitoring weight, supporting diet). It should be stressed to the patient and their family the importance of confidentially and that their information will not be told to anyone outside the medical team. This ensures that the nurse has fulfilled their responsibly within the multi-disciplinary team. The Data Protection Act (1998) was put in place to maintain patient records and information. Therefore the nurse would be upholding these legislations by practising patient confidentiality. When visiting a patient at home or in the hospital, a nurse should ask for consent for patient contact i.e. assessing vital signs. Nurses’ must follow the NMC guidelines although the patient may not understand what the nurse is saying because of a learning disability for example. However, consent must be indicated in some form such as nodding of the head. The NMC (2010) states that â€Å"you should ensure that you gain their consent before you begin to provide care†. If the patient is unable to give consent and is alert, the next of kin is assigned to making the decision due to the best interest of the patient. A nurse is accountable to manage, maintain and monitor the individuals’ weight. The nurse does not only have to keep track but also the family should be involved in managing the weight. Nurses can book weekly appointments with the individual and their family/carer so their weight can be monitored to check for any improvement to the weight or not. The family should monitor the amount the individual consumes daily. They are constantly hungry and cry for more food if it is not given to them. Locks must be placed on cupboards or on the kitchen door to stop them from eating (PWSAUSA, 2009). It will be hard for the individual to cope once this is introduced as they do not know when to stop. This is where the nurse should explain to the individual how important it is to manage their weight and what it can lead to if it is not controlled. The nurse should be there to support them when the individual starts to show aggressive behaviour as it will be hard for the family as well. Adults with PWS are inactive due to their low muscle tone and therefore only require 1,000-1,200 calories a day (PWSA, 2010). Encouraging the individual to be healthy is important. Although the nurse must understand that the patient may be unable to exercise properly due to poor muscle tone, they should encourage the patient to eat healthily for example fruit and vegetables. The individual must not have too many fatty foods i.e sweets and chocolate. By promoting healthy foods will ensure that the individual does not gain more weight than they should. It will be hard for the individual to cope with the new foods introduced to them which is why a nurse will be there to support the individual and family. The nurse can also advise the family on encouraging the patient to do some exercises i.e. helping with house chores. Any sorts of movement can help burn calories. Communication skills is one of the key skills a nurse should have. â€Å"To understand the process of communication, we must understand how people relate to each other† (Faulkner, 1982). Supporting and helping patients and their families, communication is crucial. By managing the individual and their condition, team work is fundamental. It is important to work as team as the main focus in the patient care plan is the individual. Each health care professional has a role to play to help improve the individuals well-being. The main focus is the role of the nurse and how their professional issues can impact on the health and illness of people across the life span. It is important for a nurse to understand individuals and their condition because they can help make it somewhat easier for the patient and their family. This is because the nurse is an allied health professional who enjoys more interaction with the patient than many other members of the multidisciplinary team. Nurses need to respect patients from various backgrounds as PWS can affect people of all ethnicities. This syndrome can be found in people of any ethnic background (Zelweger, 1983). Nurses’ must respect the patients’ background and understand that they may not be able to communicate or understand what is being said. Makaton could be used to enhance communication and is a language programme, which is designed to provide a means of communication to individuals who cannot communicate well by speaking (Beukelman. D.R & Mirenda). Makaton can also be used with individuals who have cognitive impairments and specific language impairment that have negatively affected the ability to communicate. An interpreter is also a form of communication as they are translating what the other is saying if English is not their first language. By using interpreters (sign language or foreign languages) will help the patient and the nurse understand what the other is saying i.e. explaining what the condition is. This will also leave the patient happy so they do not feel angry and upset. Some individuals may have a language barrier or cultural beliefs which can go against some forms of treatment. The syndrome is lifelong and unfortunately has no cure, but with the support and advice the nurse will have given the patient and the family, the patient will be happy and content (FPWR, 2010). This essay has included the role of the nurse for this condition and how it can be managed. Overall, the main point is to promote a healthy way of what the individual eats and how it can be managed. Keeping such foods out of sight and having a positive family, helping the individual through the tough times can promote a healthy way of living for the individual. Exercise is crucial in maintaining a healthy weight.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Different Family Values Between China and America

The family education is related to a person†s life. Nowadays, social development needs high qualified talents and good family education is the key point to the high qualified talents. Because of the different social systems, culture backgrounds, education aims and so on, family education for the children is different in many aspects between China and America. In the education projects of training new century talents in the world, all the countries put family education in a very important position.Although family education now attracts social circles’ attention, especially educational circles’ attention, Chinese family education still had a lot of problems. This paper first introduces the definition of family education. Second, this paper points out the main problems in today’s Chinese family education. Third, by comparing, this paper points out the different family education between China and America (mainly on aspects of family education’s contents, aims and methods). Family education aims for training the children into what kind of person that the education contents and methods choose according to the aims. After comparison, the paper interprets the reasons of these differences. Finally, the paper puts forward some methods that suit Chinese family education. [Key Words] family education; comparison; American; Chinese 1. Introduction Entering twenty-first century, as one of the hottest spot, family education is becoming more and more important in people’s life. Family, as the cell of society, is the first place that children receive education and the first unit that the children get in touch with the society. Education is a highly complicated process which is connected with families, schools and society throughout one’s whole life. A modern society, whether it can present its special education function, which is already the base of the power to push the society and creation of family happiness. In modern society, family education contents become various, it includes not only family life education, family relation education, family morality education, but also children education, parents education and so on. In this paper, I will discuss the education of the children.2.The definition of family education â€Å" Harry Chester’s Schools for Children and Institutes for Adults (1860) says, ‘Education is the development and training of the human being in all his capacities, spiritual, intellectual and physical†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ [1]P148 In the dictionary, the definition of family education explained in this way: Parents or elder generation educate the child or teenage in family. Different society needs different family education. â€Å"Zheng Qilong, in his work family education, explained it in another way: Education is a society use to educate new generation with aims and systems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [2]P6-7 Family education is parents educate their children, it is an important part of t he whole education system.For the sake of the changing situation, the definition of family education should be extended: â€Å"(i) Family education is not only the action of family but concerns the whole society. (ii) Family education’s aims are not only studying the family relation and living skills, but also the physiology and psychology of every family member and family members all-round development. (iii) Family education is not only the way that parents or elder generation educate the child or teenage in family, but all the family members educate each other. (iv) Family education is not only the education of the pre-school education, but also all life education.†[3]P523.Main problems in today’s Chinese family education 3.1 Parents’ mistake in conception of value and wrong activities leading A child’s conception of morality and value orientation learns from acquistion, especially from his parents. So parents affect the child’s mind great ly.â€Å"(i) If parents always say some positive view, such as, ‘Money makes the mare go’ or ‘Money talks.’†[4]P23 The child may form a conception that people live in order to make money which is a wrong view of value. (ii) Parents sometimes endorse some wrong behaviors, the child may form an idea that those wrong behaviors are right. 3.2 Utopian expectation of children’s educationChinese parents produce a great impact on children’s future. When a baby born in a Chinese family, his parents often design a future for him, no matter the child likes it or not. That is to say, Chinese parents would enforce their children living under the designed future instead of considering children’s feelings and abilities. â€Å"Just as Phierbaha says ‘Parents’ biggest  false is they stand in their position and interfere children’s nature development.’†[5]P24 In China, we can find the following scenes easily: Pa rents take their children to various kinds of lessons after school. Children would be punished if they didn’t get a good mark in examinations. 3.3 Harmful types of family education3.3.1 A utocratic type of family education In some Chinese families, parents require their children should do whatever they want their children do. If the children didn’t do as their order, they will scold the children, even worse, they will punish the children. â€Å"A questionnaire of 300 students in a middle school shows: Ninety percent of the students had been punished!† [6]P24. They can’t bear that children did’t obey them. They restrict their children. They check their children’s cellphone. 3.3.2 Indulgent type of family educationParents’ love is very important for the psychology development of teenagers. However, in modern China, a child is probably the only child in a family, and parents give too much love to the child. It leads to a situation that t he child can’t live without their parents. They seldom run into troubles because their parents had already solved the problem for them before they meet the problem. This kind of children can’t get along with other people very well. They consider themselves as the most important ones. Even worse, they may not have enough independent ability to live in the society without their parents’ help. When they go to society, they will feel depressed. â€Å"In a investigation of 4000 youth criminals, 16.3% of them receive this kind of family education. †3.3.3 Careless type of family education It usually refers to parents who lack of responsibility to take care of their children. Young parents are working hard to make money. They don’t have enough time to get along with their children. According to a survey, the children whose parents are individual entrepreneur, taxi driver or labor contractor, break the law easily. The main reason is the parents mentioned ab ove, who have few time at home. Even they are at home, they seldom put their hearts on their children. They simply think if they provides a good living condition for their children, who will become a talent. This type of  family education is dangerous. Children’s thought is not mature enough to judge all the things in a right way. It is easy for children to choose the wrong way to go.3.3.4 Changeable type of family educationThe children had been influenced greatly by this type of family education. For parents, the way to present this kind of education is self-contradictory. In other words, one parent is severe, another indulgent. Or the same behavior, is allowed today, but is forbidden tomorrow. A great number of research proved that children’s behaviors have a close connection with the changeable type of family education when they are young.3.4 Bringing up by elder generation show more disadvantagesBringing up by elder generation means more chance to spoil the child ren. The popular situation is that children raised by grand-parents. In this way, there are more disadvantages than advantages. Grand-parents used the traditional view to teach their grand-sons or grand-daughters. The result of this will destroy the children. 4.Main problems in today’s American family education4.1 Indulgent type of family education Different from Chinese family education, Ameirican indulgent type of family education had more harmful effection. Because over indulgent, it made a lot of social problems.Such as, teenage crime. In radio or TV, we sometimes can get a information that a 15-year-old boy shot his friend in the middle school.4.2 lack of communicationAmerican think that every member in a family, he or she should had his or her own space. In their opinions, they can†t interfere each other even they are in a family. And when a person is 18 years old, he may leave his parents. It means his has little time to stay with their parents. So they has less resbosibility to their parents. But, in Chinese people’eyes, it’s no a good idea to leave their parents. It may lose the chances to communicate with each other.4.3 pay too much attention on happy learningAmerican take happy learning serious. But, in fact, happy learning is good when children are young. Only pay attention to happy, parents may find that children’s learning levels are declined. For example, some students who get used to happy learning, can’t calculate without calculator.5.The comparison of the family education’s process between China and America From the results of the family education, we can find, in the process of family education, although it is not a kind of systematic education, it still has its educational aims, contents and methods, like the schools, which play an important role in the educational system. The aims of education are the most important ones which determine family education’s contents and methods.5.1 The c omparison of the contents of family educationThe aim of education determines the content of education. â€Å"The contents of American family education are very plentiful. American parents pay attention to their children’s all-round study.† We called â€Å"qualified education†,which includes physical strength, cognition, social ability, emotion and so on. To enhance children’s physical strength, children do outdoor exercises, such as, playing on a swing, hiking. On the development of cognition, parents train children’s sense organs, enlarging their culture view and hobby. For example, when parents go to library for study or borrow some books, they always take their children with them. In this way, they can stimulate children’s interest. On the development of social ability, children are required to enjoy themselves and share things with their friends. On the development of emotion, with the help of the parents, children learn to enjoy music, art or dancing etc.Although the contents of Chinese family education are divided into morality, intelligence, physical, art etc. However, when the child at school age, intelligence is the most important. The contents of education become imbalance. In physical, Chinese parents pay more attention to children’s nutrition, they make great effects to prevent their children from diseases. Compared with American parents, this kind of education is a protection which is defensible, static and passive. Greenhouse-training can train a person strong; On intelligence, children are given knowledge, skills, such as, the books that are full of knowledge and interesting things, at the same time, they learn the skills of reading, writing and counting.When the children begin their school  education, family education are inclined to the tendency of school education: parents supervise children’s study, check their homework, buy extracurricular exercises for the children. On art education , more and more parents realize the important professional skills. So they request children to learn drawing, dancing without children’s willingness. It is a blind action, it may kill children’s talent, even worse, they may pay a good deal of money and a lot of time but without good results. And doing this willgive too much pressure to children. By comparison, American family education’s contents are substantial and scientific. On the contrary, Chinese family education’s contents are narrow, limited and not scientific. For example, in Chinese family education, physical is less important than intelligence.Chinese parents pay more attention on children’s health from which is the low-level content. Children ignore physical training, lack of outdoor exercises, stay at home to watch television. Then the number of getting adiposity become larger. Intelligence includes practical ability and latent capacity. Practical ability is what you know, what skills and knowledge you should master. Chinese family education always ignore skills, such as, living skill, working skill, communicative skill etc. American people take these skills seriously instead of ignoring them. In their opinion, these skills are the basic quality to stand on the social stage.Chinese family education ignore not only some practical abilities, but also latent capacities which are divided into study ability and creativity. Chinese parents seem to think highly of knowledge study, in fact, they only pay attention to the low-level knowledge which just can deal with school examinations. In a questionnaire called â€Å"how to train teenagers’ creative ability.† There is a question , â€Å"If you find your children trying to take a clock apart, what will you do?† 40% of parents will scold the children. 48% of parents will use a way without patience.From this questionnaire, we can find out Chinese parents’ ideas of training creation should be impr oved.By comparison, American parents pay attention to children’s multi-hobby and creation-consciousness training. Most American experts adviced that not to learn knowledge without comprehension study. When children come back home from school, Chinese parents always ask a question â€Å"Do you remember what the teacher teach?† or â€Å"Do you get a good mark on today’s test?† Yet, American parents will ask â€Å"Do you ask teacher some questions?† or â€Å"Is the lesson  interesting today?† This present the different opinions on intelligence between Chinese parents and American parents. 5.2 The comparison of the aims of family educationFamily education’s aims determine it’s direction. So the aims of family education are the core, which is the basic reason of the different family education between Chinese and American. Family education’s aim is to train a child with some characteristics through family education. Once the aim is determined, education contents and methods should be chosen according to the aims. So what’s the different aims of Chinese family education and American family education, or we can say the different expectations of the parents in the two countries.American family education’s aims are to train the child into a social man, who can deal with all kinds of events and own independent ability. It is not a high expectation. â€Å"Social man† is not an utopia idea, but a requirement which is practical and easy to achieve. So American parents have a relaxed attitude to educate their children. They are good at finding out the active parts from their children’s individuality. And the children can find their value from family education. In fact, this kind of education can achieve good results.According to this aim, they can train their children’s independent ability. Let’s see American children in different periods. When they are still a baby, th ey sleep alone; When they can walk by themselves, they seldom ask parents for help; When they grow up, they own their rooms and they should clean the rooms by themselves; They do what they can do from childhood to make money. For example, they do house cleaning, be a baby sitter, send newspapers; When they go to senior middle school or university, they do part-time jobs to make money for the cost of living. By comparison, Chinese family education’s aim is to train the child into a talent, who has a bright future. A bright future means to get a good job and to lead a simple life all their life time.First, this aim is high and full of utility. It is hard to achieve, because â€Å"having a bright future† is not an ordinary aim. Because of the aim, Chinese parents especially concern about children’s study achievements. Their only requirement is that their children can concentrate all the attentions on study. At the same time, they ignore their children’s extr aordinary abilities, damage their imaginations. At the end, parents would kill the talents before the children  become qualified persons. Although Chinese children study very hard, and get good achievements. They lack of abilities to suit this society. Sometimes, parents’ expectation would come to nothing.5.3 The comparison of the methods of family educationThe methods of family education are the concrete measure of education contents. The choices of which education methods are connected closely to a nation’s custom, culture and history. At the same time, it is restricted by education aims. Conversely, whether the parents can use the scientific education methods properly is connected to the realization of family education’s aims and contents. Generally speaking, in American families, â€Å"parents mainly use an equal way to educate their children.They respect children’s personality and rights. Children, in the family, are treated as independent individ uals. Parents and children are equal.†By comparison, Chinese family education’s methods lack of equality. Chinese parents don’t treat their children on the same level as themslves. Instead, parents stand for the elder generation and the children stand for younger generation. American parents advocate the open education:First, they pay attention to practical training, emphasis on training children in practice instead of preaching. In American’s opinion, if the children can do the work, let them do it. Through the process of doing the work, they can improve their recognition of things, accumulate experiences, master skills, enhance capacities, develop hobbies and consolidate self-confidence and responsibility. We can say, American parents give the key of the door to children instead of opening the door for the children.Second, American parents think play and game are very important. They think play is the most important thing when children are young. In Amer ican, children take part in all kinds of activities, do a lot of outdoor exercises. There are a lot of good places for them to do exercises. On the weekend, parents go out for tour with children. In the process of playing, the children develop their intelligence, such as imagination, judgement, communication with other people and emotion adjusting and so on.. Chinese parents advocate the close education:First, they ignore the importance of practical training, instead they pay attention to preaching. The requirement to children is study. All the things, including what the children can do by themselves, are done by their parents. It is the reason why Chinese children learn a lot of knowledge but can hardly do anything when they enter the society. Second, they lack of outdoor exercises because Chinese children have endless homework. They live under the pressure of a lot of examinations. At the same time, they can’t find a good place to do outdoor exercises. Because of different education types, American family education and Chinese family education show different methods. So, we can try to turn our close education into open education. American family education methods present in four aspects:First, children have their right to speak, in other words, they can show their opinions on family affairs. American parents inspire their children to say what they want to say . Second, American children have right to choose, when the children start to show their ability to cognize things, they would like the children to choose by themselves. The children can choose games, books, friends, jobs and so on. American parents wouldn’t put their opinions on their children. Most of the time, their role is to lead the children to choose, or they only stand behind the children, to give them confidence.Third, American parents can make friends with their children, they can communicate on the base of equality. Fourth, American parents respect children’s rights of pri vacy. Chinese family education methods also present in four aspects: First, children have less right to speak, that is to say, Chinese parents require their children to obey the rules, and have few different ideas. As the American president Nixon said â€Å"The task of Chinese education system is to train children into a person who is docile, completely listen to elder generation. In this way, they lose Chinese Darwin and Einstein.†Second, Chinese children have limited right to choose and most of them would like to do things according to parents’ willingness. Third, Chinese parents always appear with a image of authority so their status are higher than their children at home. Fourth, Chinese parents always destroy children’s rights of privacy. For example , their school bags are searched; diaries are peeked. We can find that differet family education methods present in different aspects. American pay attention to the right  children own, but Chinese never thin k so. The democratic method of education which is a kind of loose and comfortable education, and presents a great deal of advantages: For one thing, it helps to train creative ideas. Loose and comfortable conditions are the most important to stimulate children’s creativities.Under high pressure, children’s creative ideas would be constrained. On the contrary, in a happy and calm family atmosphere, children can be stimulated easily. To produce a loose and comfortable atmosphere, parents should build a relationship equalled with children. For another, it helps to form healthy personality. Children would take part in family affairs actively, to express their own opinions, stop being afraid, and be full of self-confidence and responsibility if they are given the rights of speaking, attending and choosing. In addition, this kind of relation can inspire children to share their secrets to their parents. At the same time, parents can understand children’s thoughts. It u rges children to form a good personality. However, autocratic method of education presents a kind of restrained education, which constrains creation and the development of personality.6.The comparison of the family education†s results between China and America Different results of education are due to different contents, aims and methods, which can be discovered after comparison . Generally speaking, American children show distinguishing features when they are very young. For example, they show great enthusiasm, keep calm when they run into troubles, get on well with other people, have great power and are full of new ideas, strong independent ability and social ability. Because they are independent from parents when they are 18, they are full of more confidence and courage.Further more, they should do part-time jobs to meet their needs of money. Having the idea of suiting market economy, they take part in money management, at the same time, they learn how to promote sales and communicate with customers. They realize money is not easily earned by all these kinds of practice. Thus, they get into a habit of thrift. In a word, the outstanding characteristics of American children are their great abilities and the adaption to the society smoothly. However, Chinese children, teenagers, even university students, who do well in their studies, show negative tendency in their characteristics. In more details, they  behave in a passive way, such as timid, having deep-rooted dependent mentality, lacking of the ability to communicate with other people.Even worse, with poor independent viability, they can’t deal with money in a proper way. In short, they are lack of the ability to adapt to the society. All of these characteristics, which can be found from Chinese children, are due to Chinese â€Å"diploma-education†. Chinese parents expect their children to study hard in the school instead of taking part in the changeable society. Nowadays, what kind of the education results fits the society? Social development needs man’s activity, creativity and humanity’s liberation.As the civilization develops, more and more people need to focus on the development of humanity and the ability to do all kinds of things. So we can say today’s society needs active and all-round talents. Obviously, American family education can train a child, who is full of creativity and capability, by comparison, Chinese family education only can produce a â€Å"talent†, who is good at studying and obeying the rules. It is the result of â€Å"examination-center-education†, which can do harm to our teenagers’ body and mind. So Chinese family education needs a reform immediately.7.The causes of family education’s differences between China and America In modern society, parents take education seriously in Amreican the same as those in China. Why these two kinds of family education have so many differences? To sum up, the causes of different education are:7.1 The different history backgroundsAmerican, which is an emigrant country with a short history, has less old culture. Affected by multi-culture and multi-value, it can accept new thoughts and culture more quickly without restriction. So compared with Chinese people, they possess more adventure and creation sprits. However, China had a long history, at the same time, it reserves more old culture, especially is affected by feudal farmer’s idea for a long period. Its culture value is conservative and cautious, which lacks of adventure spirits and creation consciousness. Chinese people are educated to be obedient, comparative and lack of an environment to accept new ideas on the whole.7.2 The different economic patternsAmerican productive force is advanced. Its commodity economy is flourishing. There are a lot of opportunity to get jobs. The pressure of living are limited. Moreover, The United States is a society of capabilities, where the system of is perfect, staff are free. And they have a lot of opportunities of changing a job. It means there are various of jobs for Americans to choose. In American parents’ opinions if children can base themselves on the society, no matter the job is highly valued or not. Besides, commodity economy is changing in every minute, jobs are changing too. So parents never think their children can live a smooth life.Consequently, American family education’s aim is to focus on training children into â€Å"human† It seems more macroscopic and wide-ranged. It meets all changes by remaining unchanged. By contrast, â€Å"China is a developing country. The pressure of living is great. China is a society of diplomas. Jobs are stable, so Chinese always put all their happiness on a job. Their choosing are limited. Chinese parents think good study achievement can bring a good job for their children. It is a smooth way of life, and it is also the best way for a person.† Therefore, Chinese family education’s aim is to focus on training children into â€Å"talents†.7.3 The different social conditionsAmerican have good economic conditions, perfect old-age social system. American parents don’t have the idea that rearing children against old age. Instead, they think when they become old, they can go to old people’s home to live the rest of their life. So they rear the children to 18 years old, who become independent persons, and they finish their jobs without considering what the children will be in the future. They don’t care about whether the children will bring honor to them or not.By comparison, China, a nation which economic condition is poor, has incomplete social old-age system, and exists some old conception questions. Chinese parents consider that children’s education is connected with the rest of their life. They treat the children as their own property, require children to pay back for them. And the t hing that presents it in their ways is education. Many Chinese parents treat the thing of beating children as a personal affair. They think no one can interfere,let alone the law. 7.4 The different traditional cultures7.4.1 Different value orientationsAmericans pay attention to personality, their value orientation is based on the individualism. They lay stress on their own benefits, advocate individual improvement and find their own true value. It is the core of American culture. An American scholar pointed out: In a democratic society, every citizen has his own goal, which is himself. In the family, individual is the most basic one, which is the valuable, independent from his family relation and doesn’t depend on others. So in American family, parents used to treat themselves and their children as two separate individual. â€Å"Self† doesn’t only include parents themselves but the children selves. To carry out children’s self-value, parents should respec t children’s willingness, interest and hobby first. But American parents attach importance to enjoying their life.They wouldn’t give up to go to cinema because of the children. Chinese pay attention to general character. They have a conception, which is the most important. The conception is collective spirit. In other words, it means considering things as a whole. It emphasizes collective interest more important than individual interest. Chinese consider that a person is living in contrast with other people. From ancient time to the present, â€Å"self†, this conception results from contrast with other people, that is, individual value only can live with others’ relations in Chinese society. In Chinese family, parents lose themselves at the same time, they don’t respect their children.â€Å"The way that Chinese parents lose themselves presents as following: they consider children as their own, as a continuation of themselves; their children seems to be their whole lives and hopes; they put all their hopes on their children. This kind of parents would use their determination to replace their children’s.†[10] P62 They think from adult’s view. So we can find Chinese parents always set an impractical goal for their children. American pay attention to personality while Chinese pay attention to general character. It has its economic background. In the structure of modern capitalism, American’s commodity economy defeated nature economy. And it exists for more than a hundred years. In the condition of commodity economy, individual is independent relatively. One person, if he wants to develop in the competition of commodity economy, he must improve himself.Therefore, in the commodity economy society, people keep a tradition which is to value self the most important. By comparison,  Chinese’s nature economy existed for thousands of years. Chinese are get used to tying on the land. Individuals lack o f the condition of developing by themselves. Through dozens of years planned economy, even more than twenty years of market economy, Chinese can’t get rid of the dependency. Individual’s development often need other people’s help. Even evaluating an individual is carried out by comparing with other persons. So Chinese like taking part in community, in order not to be isolated. å’Å'Americans encourage rationalism. Their family education praise rationalism highly, which they treat as a basic principle to deal with family members and family affairs. Most of American parents consider the obligation of raising a child the same as the obligation to the society. It does stand not only in an individual position but the social position. In Americans’ opinions family education is considered as an obligation, so Americans never want to get something back from their children. They consider that they ought to go to the old people’s home. Of course, it is bas ed on American perfect social security system and their culture.Chinese encourage affection which is considered to be the most important thing in Chinese society. Chinese family education, human relation is the base and emotion is the rule to deal with the relation of family. Chinese parents consider the children as their own private property, from the angle of their honor. Chinese parents take the greatest care of their children but with a conception of getting back something from their children. From this point of view, we can understand why more Chinese parents expect their children to be talented than American parents does. They put too much material gain in the aim of family education.8 Suggestions This paper is comparing the vague generalization of family education between China and America. Chinese family education and American family education have their own characteristics. Furthermore, American family education has its disadvantage either. Apparently, the paper doesnâ€⠄¢t aim at denying American family education or Chinese family education. Through the comparison, this paper puts forward some suggestions that suit for Chinese family education.8.1 For education aims: turn â€Å"talent† education into  Ã¢â‚¬Å"human† education. Through the comparison, we can find, American family education’s aim more fits the development of society. At the same time, it can produce more creative persons. We can’t deny, in Chinese examination education, we kill a lot of talents .If we want to change the situation, we need family education’s help. Generally speaking ,as the enhance of social productive force, the society competition becomes more and more fierce. A person’s comprehensive quality becomes more and more important. In fact, this comprehensive quality is the basic human education. Using human education as our family education’s aim, Chinese will get rid of the mistaken ideas of family education.8.2 For educa tion contents: â€Å"turn ‘one-sided’ family education into ‘all-round’ family education. Today’s aim of family education is to teach intelligent knowledge. Because of the wrong aim, the intelligent education is the most important. This kind of education, will make children’s quality development unbalanced so that they can’t fit for this changeable society. After setting up â€Å"human† education as our family education’s aim, parents should improve children’s comprehensive quality. If we want to improve children’s comprehensive quality, we should turn one-sided family education into all-round family education, especially education of latent energy, morality and temper.8.3 For education methods: turn â€Å"restrained† education into â€Å"loose and comfortable† education, turn â€Å"closed† education into â€Å"open† education. Affected by Chinese culture, parents have more power than democracy. This kind of education is harmful for teenagers’ mature. Modern society should advocate loose and comfortable education and open education. 8.4 To set up a conception of qualified educationNowadays, education reform’s core is to improve education’s quality. â€Å"The main aim of education is to teach children to learn from how to live to care other people then responsible for others.† Concerning to family education, parents should set up a conception of qualified education. Qualified education is based on human’s physiology and psychology, which has nature peculiarity. It is a kind of education that can train teenagers all-round development. Furthermore, its goal is to fit the needs of the society’s development.Through qualified education, parents teach the youth playing, working and communicating which are the abilities a person should  own in modern society. Quality education aims to improve every aspect of quality a tale nt needs. It is not only a conception of qualified education but also a conception of value. Only when the parents set up the conception and use it as family education’s guide, can the children get used to this society quickly and smoothly. 8.5 To turn sole education into multiple educationIn Chinese, many parents aim the goal of education on intellective education. So they ignore non-intellective education which concerns children’s physiology health. Scientific family education should give first place to intellective education and in addition, take care of children’s physiology, psychology, knowledge. Besides, parents not only teach the children knowledge of culture, which is necessary in a person’s life, but teach other kinds of knowledge. Although to increasing knowledge of culture does good to intellective development, it is not sure it helps a lot.8.6 To turn knowledge education into capability educationIn today’s society, development of moder n science has put training ability in a higher position than teaching knowledge. Family education demands the parents not only to give children food but the skills to get food. Chinese should change the method which focuses on the knowledge, turn knowledge education into capability education. Ability is the intelligence that people finish a task or achieve their goals It is the result of psychology condition and physiology condition. It includes intelligence skill system, motivation structure system and operating skill system. These three systems connect with each other and inspire one by one. A person’s development level depends on the whole ability system which is formed by them.8.7 To use scientific mode of family education to speed the refrom of family education8.7.1 Creative type of educationâ€Å" This kind of education pays close attention to the development of children’s latent energy, which fixes eyes upon the use and training of intelligence. It advocates on creative study through active research and self improvement. â€Å"The basic education mode is: cognition-research-creation-application, which is people’s ability of  acquiring and using knowledge, and the wisdom that people show.† It includes observing ability, memorial ability, thinking ability, practical ability and so on. These abilities connect with each other and restrict each other. They are always considered as a whole. So intelligent education depends on all of the abilities mentioned above.8.7.2 Successful type of educationIt aims at creating the condition of success. It requires children to grasp the opportunities of success. It also requires children to hold the opportunities of success. In this way, children can improve self-confidence. Using this kind of education mode, children can develop themselves step by step on the way of success. â€Å"The basic education mode is aims-success-new aims.†8.7.3 Happy type of educationIt advocates parents to create a perfect education condition, which develop multi-ways and multi-form of education activity. â€Å"The basic education mode is action-master-application on action.†8.7.4 Qualify and special type of educationIt emphasizes on the basic requirement of the whole. In other words, it means to make sure the basic things in education. Besides, if the children have already learnt the basic knowledge, parents can make full use of the advantages of their children, encourage their children to develop in more aspects. â€Å"The basic education mode is base-multi-action-more aspects development.†9.Conclusion American famous writer John Brasal said in his best seller Family May Hurt You When a person grow up, all his behaviors are determined by the family environment when he was a child. Every child grows up under his parents’ family education, what kind a person will be, depends on what kind of family education he received. Children’s character and destiny are connected closely to family education. For the family, for the children, for the parents, we should change the wrong conception of family education and correct it at once.We, Chinese, should change utopian expectation of  children’s education. Give up the harmful types of family education. Pick up good idea from American’ family education. To turn â€Å"talent† education into â€Å"human† education.. To turn â€Å"one-sided† family education into â€Å"all-round† family education. To turn â€Å"restrained† education into â€Å"loose and comfortable† education. To use scientific mode of family education to speed the refrom of family education. If we can follow these changing, Chinese family education will go to a bright future. Ameircan also can get something they lack of from our family education.