Sunday, July 28, 2019

Motivational Design Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Motivational Design Plan - Term Paper Example This is due to the fact that while one employee will only be motivated by a mere word appreciation others will require material rewards while others still value their welfare such as good treatment and day off at work for their motivation. This motivational design plan therefore refers to an act whereby resources are arranged as well as procedures laid in an organization in order to bring about changes in how the company stakeholders are motivated. This form of design plan is applied to the motivation of the employees to work, to develop specific motivational characteristics in individuals as well as to improve people’s skills when it comes to motivation. When making such design plans some form of creativity and understanding of the people, who work for you is required. This is because not all employees will find the same form of reward worthwhile for him or her given the uniqueness of each individual. Another consideration, which is even termed a challenge, is the mode of com ing up with a flexible and cost effective way of ensuring that all the employees are engaged in their work. There are many ways of motivating employees but according to by plan, I am going to talk about informal rewards, specific achievement and activities, formal rewards (Keller). Just as their names suggest, informal rewards reflects on the sincere and honest appreciation of individual employees efforts through a mere thank you or by writing them an appreciation letter. This mode of motivation does not have any significant costs to the organization while it influences so much in terms of its impact on the employee and organizational output as a result. The employer can as well give random time offs like early dismissal, full day off or late arrival at work and an employee will feel much motivated to work. Occasionally, the HR departments can organize events like sports, dinners or any form of social gathering and this enhances bonding. Employees also may feel part of the organizat ion if occasionally they are involved in decision-makings process to bring new ideas into the organization. Such informal rewards or motivational techniques bust the employee confidence while enhancing their management and how they relate. Therefore, such rewards ought to be consistent and immediate. As an HR, one must take note of the needs of specific individuals in the organization. Those whose needs are growth in the firm must be recognized for promotions and incentives as they show their prowess. Such specific achievement and activity rewards are formulated and publicly awarded to the achievers as all the other company employees watch. Such efforts can be recognized in the weekly newsletters or simply pinning a notice on a notice board for the rest of the company to see. Employee ideas that save the company money have to be recognized through rewards such as trophies, this may to an extent entail an award like an employee of the month trophy with the employees name engraved on them. Bonuses may also be given to employees recognized by customers are exemplary. The basic idea with such a phase of the plan is to reward the specific achievements of employees who does extra for the organization. This will make them even do more and as well influence the whole work force to start competing, which would be healthy for the organizations success in terms of productivity, revenue and competitiveness as well as customer service (Keller). Formal

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