Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Evaluating Eligibility Rules Essay Example for Free

Evaluating Eligibility Rules Essay In determining which eligibility rules can be associated with the Lakeland Police Department, it the objectives of such institution must be looked into before going through the details in which such rules apply. The institution provides public and security measures to the community it holds. They promote the welfare of the people around them under the parameters mandated by the law in the creation of such institution. With this, the eligibility rules that the agency uses revolves around the (1) eligibility by administrative rule and regulation, (2) eligibility by administrative discretion and (3) eligibility by judicial decision. To understand whether the eligibility rules advocated by the agency promotes a stigmatization, trade-offs or off-target benefits, each rule must be looked into in accordance to the application of such within the Lakeland Police Department. The eligibility by administrative rule and regulations creates â€Å"an advantage to client beneficiaries because it gives social workers and other human service staff members a means by which to administer the benefit or service program evenhandedly and reliably, so that people similarly situated are given similar benefits. (Chambers and Wedal, 2005, p. 112) This rule can be seen to create trade-offs within the system of Lakeland Police Department. Trade-offs is evident because of the situational circumstances in which this rule can be applied to citizens within the district. There are implications of such applications in the way the police department addresses the people. â€Å"On the other hand, administrative rules restrict the freedom of staff members to use their discretion that is to judge need for the benefit or service in individual circumstances. (Chambers and Wedal, 2005, p. 112) The next thing is the eligibility by administrative discretion. This discretion sees to it that all particular concerns within a system need to be addressed by the agency. â€Å"All general organizational policies and administrative rules must be interpreted and applied to individual situations, so it is important to understand that such interpretation and applications necessarily involve significant personal judgment on the part of the staff member. † (Chambers and Wedal, 2005, p. 14) With this, it can be seen that there is a stigmatization of benefits among members of the community handled by the Lakeland Police Department. Their capability to address situations of its citizens particularly concerning their welfare in accordance to the law and mandates of the city can clearly be seen. This creates benefits among locals on the assurance that their welfare is protected by the agency. Lastly, is the eligibility of judicial decision. This rule can also be seen as applicable to the Lakeland Police Department. After a program has been in operation for a period of time, it is very likely that a contention will arise about whether the enabling legislation or whether an administrative rule or discretionary judgment was faithful to the spirit and intention of the law under which the program or policy was established. † (Chambers and Wedal, 2005, p. 115) It can be seen that this categorization creates an important part of the Lakeland Police Academy. This creates a stigmatization of benefits among local citizenry. It may be true that the agency can exercise administrative discretion, however issues may arise between the proper execution and application of such initiative among members of the community. This rule seeks to create a check-and-balance among the members of the police force. It is true that the objectives are in-line with the rules and mandates of the law, however, the actual practice remains to be on the part of local enforcers and policeman. This creates a subjective interpretation of actions by enforcers that more often than not leads to judicial contention. Appeals to the judiciary for clarification of the law are routine and in the end they can become as important as the legislation or administrative rules themselves. † (Chambers and Wedal, 2005, p. 115) To determine whether there are weak rules in the system of Lakeland Police Department, the three eligibility rules again must be looked into. On the eligibility by administrative rule and regulation, there exists a problematic issue on how to effectively distinguish what are the different parameters for such actions. The agency may have difficulty in promoting the necessary measures present if such issue persists. â€Å"Therefore, it is important to know whether a certain entitlement rule originates with judicial decisions, administrative rule, or individual staff discretion, for on that fact depends the probability of change – staff decisions certainly are changed more easily than are formal rules and statutes. † (Chambers and Wedal, 2005, p. 112) On the other hand, the two other eligibility rules are described to be minimal in problems. This is due to their ability to sink within the system and serve as both a check-and-balance among local authorities under the Lakewood Police Department and an initiative to further create changes that the department needs to address the changing needs of the future. Eligibility rules are characterized to create a foundation for actions by people. In the case of Lakewood Police Department, it seeks to cater the needs of the locals in promoting security and their welfare. In the issue of such eligibility rules being fair, it can be argued that they are indeed fair overall since it is based from the mandate of laws and legislation. The only issue here is the actual application of such rules by people who supposed to be fit for the description. Sometimes, there is a subjective interpretation of how such rules can be applied. This creates the sense of disparity of opinions and practices to both local and enforcers of such rules. On the other hand, tackling the issue of sufficiency, yes, it can be argued that the rules applied during that time are sufficient to address the current need of the locals. However, it may not be the case in the future as new issues and challenges arise within the new system. That is why, changes in the system and rules are needed to further pursue the interests of people. For one, rules are and regulations are meant for the people to ensure their security and welfare within the community.

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