Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 4

Marketing - Essay Example In additional, traditional techniques such as billboards and catalogues are also recommended. Apart from that modern techniques such as social media advertisement, in store promotion are also recommended pt the company. With such approaches it is expected that Trung Nguyen will be able to reach a good position in UK coffee industry. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 The plan 5 Conclusion 11 Appendix 12 Bibliography 14 Introduction It has been recommended that a strategy of franchising is undertaken in importing Vietnamese coffee to the UK market. The prime intention is operate effectively in the UK market and pursue development and focus strategy. On the basis of this a promotional plan has been developed which considers the use of different type of promotional activities such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations and sponsorships. It has been suggested that the in UK market promotional activities such as advertising in magazines and newspapers, broadca sting advertising including television, radio, billboards and catalogues are useful. In addition, it was also suggested that the company should also use social networking websites to promote the product in the UK market. Furthermore, Trung Nguyen Coffee also intends to influence and persuade buy their offerings through premium and discounts coupons, offering samples to show the distinct advantages of fresh coffee and a website that provides information about the company (Trung Nguyen Company, 2013). It is believed that the suggested strategy almost covers all the aspects of marketing and if properly implemented can provide the company with good results. Hence, the recommend strategy is accepted and a promotional plan for the same will be developed through this project. This study will now present a promotional plan which is to be undertaken by Trung Nguyen to promote their product. The promotional plan is responsible for creating awareness about Vietnamese coffee. Hence for this pur pose, this paper will first shed light on the target market for the product and will also underline the way of promoting, selling and distributing the product. A SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) objective will be also developed to ensure effective implementation of the promotional plan. Furthermore, a rough budget and a timeline for the entire promotional plan will be developed. Lastly, an overall conclusion will be drawn. The plan Target Market It is essential to define the target market clearly in order to develop an effective promotional plan (Hollensen, 2007). It was recommended to the company that they should target niche market segment, especially because other established players such as Starbucks, Costa and Nestle are highly competitive. Moreover, being a new player, it will be difficult for the company to compete with them on a large scale. This is the reason why the company is recommended to cater to specific sections of the society. Trung Ng uyen has been recommended with two different target segments. The first one is people who work and study like wringing professional, students and the second group is the coffee lovers. Target Group 1 Students and Working Professions Target Group 2 Coffee Lovers Product Distribution The distribution of products is another important activity of marketing. There are number of cases where a good product has failed sustain in the market due to poor

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