Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The differences in approaces taken by female and male leadings in Dissertation

The differences in approaces taken by female and male leadings in leading change - Dissertation ExampleAccording to the research findings in that location has been a growing involvement of women in the workforce in recent decades and they can be seen participating actively in business and economic development. However, on that point still exists an imbalance in the male-female ratio in the workforce, and there is a substantial earnings gap between the genders. This inequality is more appargonnt in the case of women in management. The smaller number of women in top management is indicative of the fact that women do not get to climb the higher echelons in organizations easily. Some researchers call this situation as the glass roof, indicating that women, who atomic number 18 meritorious and capable, too may not be able to break the ceiling and bow the realm of top management because of their gender. There has been some research undertaken to assess the reason for the existence of a glass ceiling or the lack of women who ar deemed qualified to occupy positions in upper management. Men are often considered to be more competent than women and it is presumed that men have the leadership qualities that are mandatory at the higher positions. Researchers have found masculine organizational culture, which is hostile to the female workers, is also responsible for curbing the growth of female leaders. Men are thought to adopt a masculine leadership style, and even women who do pass through the glass ceiling, are expected to keep away from exhibiting their womanly side (Pai and Vaidya, 2009). Ragins, Singh, and Cornwell (2007) explained that while business organizations are struggling to hold on to their best and brightest women, the persistence of the glass ceiling makes retaining top-notch female talents challenging. Dismantling the glass ceiling requires an accurate understanding of the overt and subtle barriers to advancement faced by women, and the strategies us ed to overcome these barriers. Women leaders are often considered to be nonoperational, overly relationship-oriented and emotionally unstable (Northouse, 2009). On the other hand, male leaders are often observed as aggressive, direct and task oriented - qualities which are perceived as attributes of good leaders (Weyer, 2007). The available research has indicated that the general concept of leadership may be one-dimensional and perceived from a masculine point of conniption (Pai and Vaidya, 2009 Kargwell, 2008 Weyer, 2007 Tibus, 2010 Caykoylu, 2010 Biernat, 2003). The masculine leaders are considered to be more task-oriented and exercise their authority to discipline, correct or reward the employees on the basis of the employees performance (Spurgeon and Cross, 2008). Men are associated with this masculine style of leadership owing to their gender (Thewlis, Miller and Neathy, 2004), while women are considered to follow a more feminine approach which involves being passive and givi ng importance to relationships over tasks (Thomas and Thomas, 2008). There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that a more relationship oriented leadership style leads to part employee motivation and performance in

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