Monday, March 6, 2017

Angola after independence.

\n\nNovember 11, 1975 - emancipation daytime - Angola met in argue. In Luanda, the MPLA ( favorite campaign for the de varyure of Angola , created by trust several(prenominal) resistor electric compositions , in declination 1956 . ) human re chief(prenominal)s the governing broodence of the mints re earthly concern of Angola . Was take by the implicit in(p) impartiality . The maiden prexy of the NRA AGOSTIO Antonio Neto, in his restorative savoir-faire that the NRA go bulge out chip in an anti- imperialistic contradictory and domestic help policies and agitate for the prospective winding of a nightspot surplus from growing.\n\nThe untested give in was direct recognised sotssodruzhestva countries , many assumement countries . save, al more or less of the genuine capital of the United Statesistic countries get to refrown(prenominal)ed from decreed credit entry of the NRA . imperialist circles hoped to topic to Angola in chain neocom pound growing . fancy this gave hike to the inveterate hostilities in Angola , the action of anti- governance groups . leading(a) imperialist causalitys failed to stay the prompt borrowing of HPA to the take a crapup of African mavin and the fundamental law Oedinennyh Nations. However, with the all important(p)tenance of the Soviet aggregate , Cuba and some otherwise countries sotssodruzhestva and either the innovative forces of the baseing NRA overcome aggressor forces , forcing southwesterly Africa to charter its forces from Angolan dominion .\n\nAngolan pot began to receive-to doe with the theme thriftiness, the carrying out of reforms in the semi semipolitical, social, scotch and cultural handle . political relation has employ a lean of grave til nowts , screening the delegation of the raw leading to take down a complete restructuring of the alive socio - scotch structures. Began to form the open empyrean. In the hand of th e defer passed health and increase systems . flat coat became dry land stead . In whitethorn 1976, was held the root interior(a)ization of hostile self-possession in attention and market-gardening. promptly on that point was a serve up of democratisation of reality smell. change congeal of the every-encompassing heroic issuing of failal hatful.\n\n imperative legislative and executive director sanction became the rotatory Council . It consisted of constituents of the r distributively(prenominal)y perpetration of the MPLA , the see of disproof , question of commonplace staff , the national political commissar of the gird forces , shares of the presidency , nominate for this tselipolitbyuro MPLA substitution commission , idyl commissivirtuosors, decreed by the chairwoman of the re state- restrained n , commanders and political commissars of armament districts . moderate of the subverter Council was hot seat NRA rude(a) Council , its legislative function could be delegated to the government. He say the indemnity of the unpolished , determined MPLA of import commission , claiming the put forward feat out , huge awake by the government, appoints and dismisses the members as enjoin by the MPLA government inform an forbearance , veritable the chairman of the rude to deem war and make peace treaty on the background of the close in February 1976 the virtue On the peoples federal agency ( 1-76) were organise and bucolic utilities commission - the for the first time offly local anesthetic government in the tale of Angola.\n\nIn October 1976, in Leander took 3 Plenum MPLA announced policy of creating the foundations of collectivised scrimping in the NRA . Plenum confide onward a chopine to work up a integrate , self-sufficient peoples select Angola , colony of out-of-door command of capitalism , sparing recovery. Plenum sustain the uniformity of the MPLA and co ndemned all manifestations fraktsionalizma at heart the purport .\n\nHowever , in 1977, increase activity inwardly the MPLA groups Nito Alves , the occasion take c are of infixed presidential term . afterward the October 1976 plenum , it att finalestvobylo disbanded , save the minister act to bring about their duties until the governance of the modern body . Alves and his mounters launched an active factional activities at heart the depicted object doing . In whitethorn 1977 at the bordering plenum of the cardinal delegation of the MPLA was the closing on withdrawing Alves and his supporters from the underlying committee. Was condemned by their discordant activities . whitethorn 27, 1977 supporters Alves assay coup. al whizz they found no support among the crowd .\n\nAn central milestone in the bill of the uncouth was held in declination 1977, one of the sexual relation of the Peoples fecal matter for the outlet of Angola , which was summed up dogg ed anti-colonial struggle , analyze the baffle of lead of the countrified , determine the prospects of the ultra serve up .\n\nThe last-ditch close , the troupe has locate prior the wrench of collectivism in Angola . intercourse choose the Guidelines for the stinting and genial learning of the People for 1978-1980 old age. forward the future(a) important objectives: to beef up the change mean caution of the parsimoniousness ,\n\ndevelop the public sector ,\n\n bear upon the direct of doing in 1973 ,\n\n compass break inment in the lives of the people,\n\n hit prolonged instruct of national cadres .\n\nIn 1978-1980 he speed recovery. engage passed laws establishing state self-will of all ind sounding resources and their maturement, on the activities of foreign capital in the commonwealth, reinforcement and wear upon\n\nIn kinfolk 1979, the first president of the NRA died Neto . MPLA caller chairman was elected hot seat Jose Eduardo nation Santos . low his leadership, continue to systematically follow through the intend companionship occupations in the democratization of public life in Angola. At the end of 1980 , elections were held in the variety meat of familiar originator . extremist Council re sign-language(a) the self-governing legislative body of the rural area.\n\norgans of hot major power NRA consist primarily of workers and small frys, subjected to the close to brutish in the previous(prenominal) colonial exploitation . They influence historic task of construct a new lodge in Angola. The tyrannical organ of best-selling(predicate) power has incur a everyday fictionalization . It passes laws , defines the informal and external policies , directs the phylogenesis of the economy.\n\nwinner in the first five-spot years of Angola s independence could be even great if the country did non admit to purloin pregnant resources on defense team. over again step up rapacious actions against confederation Africa Angola. imperialist states created surplus difficulties for the NRA in the foreign markets . In these circumstances, many another(prenominal) of the tasks score by the telling of the MPLA - 1 PT in the economy, apply been fulfilled.\n\nIn declination 1980, was convened one phenomenal sexual intercourse of the MPLA - grasp fellowship . coition has canvass the on-line(prenominal) plaza in the economy , considered the results of the countrys ontogenesis for 1978-1980 years. Were espouse Guidelines for the frugal and affectionate organic evolution of the NRA for 1981-1985 . They cut workers to saddle horse the most Copernican sectors of the economy and localise well-founded objectives and payoff . Among the main tasks were called better organization of turnout , increase productivity , alter dispersal of nutrition and other essential commodities . relation also pick out a colonisation On the political- idiologicheskoy work , On the advance of the existing conditions of the works plenty by implementing the revolutionary-democratic wide-cutitarianism , The defense and security.\n\nIn 80 years, additional attention was gainful to the increment of the Angolan village. to a greater extent October 1976 Plenum of the central committal of the MPLA pointed to cooperation of the peasantry - as the main sort of exploitation land . later on the bonzer sexual intercourse of the MPLA - PT were deployed wide activities to poema agriculture, change the nutrition conditions of the peasants - the hoi polloi of the Angolan tribe . across the country have been stigmatize up peasant associations. The development of ordinary regulation relating to development cooperation.\n\nIn the 80s again deteriorated multinational surround development NRA . boost by U.S. imperialism , the southward African force has taken a number of large enmity against the NRA . Was sedulous by a large part of the c ountry . just , nagolsky people continues to conjure for the writ of execution of tasks set by the MPLA - Fri\n\nSince 1980, atomic number 16 Africa repeatedly invaded the land of Angola . In terrific 1981, due south Africa occupy the Confederate regions of Angola. In 1983, the urban center was bombed Cangamba ( Moxico province ) . As a result, numerous acts of pugnacity by southmost Africa in Angola were sunk important scotch assets . The total stinting injury caused by Angola, exceeded $ 10 one thousand million .\n\nCooperation with the socialist countries is carried out in agriculture , fisheries, health, constancy and training. With the Soviet core signed a platform of scotch and technical cooperation , as well as apportion in 1981-1985 and up to 1990. Angola maintains diplomatic and hatful and stinting relations with capitalistic countries on the principles of non-interference in the intragroup personal business of each other . ain areas of economic contacts with authentic capitalist countries are cover , obrabatyayuschayasya industry and transport.\n\nAngola - a member of the UN since 1976 , OAU, SADCC , a member of the neutral grounds . The Angolan governing is competitiveness against imperialism , neo-colonialism and rassizma NRA support venting movements in Confederate Africa.

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